Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (2024)

Seablip is a pirate adventure RPG developed by Jardar Solli. Read our review to see what it did well, what it didn't do well, and if it's worth buying.

Seablip Review Overview

What is Seablip?

In Seablip, players embark on a thrilling pirate adventure where they command their own crew, explore a vast open world, and carve out their legacy on the high seas. Whether pursuing bounty hunts with aggression or opting for a more peaceful journey filled with side quests and serene exploration, players have the freedom to shape their pirate experience. While resource gathering is available, the game's focus lies in offering a dynamic blend of gameplay elements to ensure an engaging and varied seafaring adventure.

Seablip features:
 ⚫︎ Open-world exploration
 ⚫︎ Daily news reflecting storyline
 ⚫︎ Bounty hunting for the aggressive
 ⚫︎ Delivery quests for the pacifists
 ⚫︎ Emphasis on resource gathering
 ⚫︎ Other varied side quests
 ⚫︎ Crew and ship health system

For more gameplay details, read everything we know about Seablip's gameplay and story.

Digital Storefronts
Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (1)Steam
Price $14.99

Seablip Pros & Cons

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (2)

Pros Cons

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (3) Diverse And Immersive Environments

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (4) Unique Character Interactions

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (5) Freedom To Tailor Gameplay Experience

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (6) Delivery Quests Occasionally Suffered From Bugs

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (7) Crew Revival Get Inhibitively Expensive

Seablip Overall Score - 88/100

Seablip earns an impressive score for its exceptional blend of engaging gameplay, enthralling world-building, and dynamic character interactions. The game offers various enticing environments to explore, with each island boasting unique settings inspired by real-world locales. From bustling port towns to serene coastal villages, Seablip captures the essence of adventure and discovery. Additionally, the game's unique character interactions add depth to the storytelling, with NPCs exhibiting whimsical personalities and behaviors that breathe life into the game world. While Seablip occasionally suffers from minor bugs, these issues are minor compared to the overall quality of the gameplay experience.

Seablip Story - 9/10

Seablip's storyline envelops you in the role of a budding pirate navigating the treacherous waters of your newfound island home. At its core, Seablip weaves a tale of family legacy as you try to uncover secrets passed down from your grandfather. This central relationship adds depth to your character's journey, driving you forward in your quest to confront the notorious octopus crew. The narrative unfolds dynamically, with daily news updates providing fresh insights into the game world and its inhabitants. Engaging side quests further enriches the experience, offering a glimpse into the varied stories and challenges across the islands.

Seablip Gameplay - 8/10

Seablip offers a captivating 2D exploration, intuitive controls, and distinct activities, ensuring hours of mesmerizing gameplay. Navigating the world is effortless thanks to the intuitive controls, allowing players to focus on the excitement of exploration from bustling ports to hidden caves filled with mystery. While destructible environments take a back seat, the game compensates with its rich exploration elements. Puzzles add an extra layer of challenge and intrigue, ensuring gameplay remains fresh and engaging. Combat, meanwhile, adopts a strategic point-and-click approach, empowering players to command their crew and unleash powerful skills as they level up. Salvaging opponents’ ships for upgrades, parts, or gold adds a satisfying sense of reward to victorious battles, encouraging players to master their skills on the high seas.

Seablip Visuals - 9/10

Seablip’s visuals are a feast for the eyes. The game seamlessly blends vibrant environments with real-world inspirations for an enchanting experience. Locations like Peachhaven exude a charming Japanese vibe, while Red Ford evokes the essence of England’s coastal towns, enriching the game world. Dynamic weather effects, from day-night transitions to occasional rain, heighten immersion. The interplay of light and shadow creates breathtaking vistas, while environmental constraints like dimly lit caves enhance the sense of exploration and discovery, compelling careful navigation to uncover hidden secrets.

Seablip Audio - 8/10

Seablip’s audio design wraps players in a cozy blanket of depth and atmosphere which elevates the game world. Rather than overpowering, the audio complements the environment, subtly enhancing absorption. For example, battles are accompanied by tense background tracks, while exploration features stirring scores. Special effects audio, like footsteps on grass or wind through sails, is meticulously crafted, enriching the player’s experience with subtle environmental cues. While not groundbreaking, Seablip’s attention to detail earns it commendation for its fascinating soundscapes.

Seablip Value for Money - 10/10

Despite being in early access, Seablip delivers a wealth of content far exceeding its $14.99 price point. From the moment you set sail, there's a vast and diverse world to explore, brimming with adventure, secrets, and countless hours of gameplay. Moreover, Seablip's pricing strategy strikes a perfect balance between affordability and content richness. At $14.99, it's accessible to a wide range of players while still providing a premium gaming experience that rivals more expensive titles, ensuring that players will continue to find value in their purchase long after the initial release.

Game8's Review Policy and Scoring System

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (8)

Seablip sets sail into uncharted waters, delivering a gaming experience that defies expectations. While initial comparisons may draw parallels to titles like Terraria, Stardew Valley, and Kairosoft games, Seablip emerges as a unique entity with its own distinct charm. Drawing inspiration from games like FTL, Seablip introduces players to a world brimming with adventure, where hunting down rival pirates for bounties is just the beginning of an epic journey.

As someone who hasn't delved deeply into FTL-style games before, I found myself pleasantly surprised by the mechanics and the thrill of the chase. However, what truly captivated me was the progression of the story. Though the main plot may not yet be fully realized in early access, I found myself drawn to the rich tapestry of side quests and character interactions, which became the focal point of my gameplay experience.

The inclusion of daily news in Seablip injects an extra layer of excitement into the gameplay experience, providing valuable context and setting the stage for unfolding events in the world. Unlike in games like Stardew Valley, where activities like eating and sleeping can feel like chores that add pressure to the gameplay, Seablip offers a refreshing departure. Here, there's no rush to complete tasks within a given day. Going to sleep isn't just a means to an end; it's an eagerly anticipated opportunity to uncover the latest headlines and embark on new adventures the following day.

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (9)

One achievement that truly caught me by surprise was stumbling upon a different realm. In most games, the circ*mstances leading to this discovery might have left me feeling frustrated or annoyed since I would probably be in the middle of doing something. However, without giving away too much, the moment it happened, my initial reaction was anything but. This new territory introduces a captivating new dimension to the game, weaving another layer of story and intrigue that immediately drew me in.

Another enjoyable aspect I appreciated is the deliberate design choice to make certain buildings inaccessible until specific prerequisites are met. While there are still plenty of places to explore, the inclusion of barriers to entry adds depth and realism to the game world. It makes perfect sense that some homes would remain closed off until you've befriended the owner or met other conditions. This attention to detail enriches the gameplay experience and adds character and authenticity to the world-building.

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (10)

Now, onto a facet of the game that truly delighted me: NPC interaction. Among the colorful cast of characters, one standout for me is Sir Knightly, the stalwart protector of Red Ford from the purported threat of the fearsome paper dragon. His unwavering dedication to the town's safety, even in the face of a seemingly innocuous threat, speaks volumes about his genuine character.

Witnessing his heroic interventions and readiness to whisk us away to safety in times of trouble exemplifies the true essence of knighthood. His bravery, unwavering resolve, and selfless dedication to protecting others define what it means to be a noble knight; Sir Knightly becomes a beacon of hope in crucial moments of adversity.

Another memorable character is Sir Jasper, whose aspirations to rebuild the navigator's club reveal a depth of ambition and longing for community. Through interactions with characters like Sir Jasper and Sir Knightly, the game weaves a rich tapestry of storytelling immersion. Even fleeting encounters like these serve to enrich the overall gameplay experience, infusing the world of Seablip with charm and personality.

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (11)

Seablip is a treasure trove for those who love to hyperfixate on riveting experiences and boundless exploration. With its expansive world and myriad mysteries waiting to be uncovered, the game offers endless opportunities for discovery and adventure. Personally, I found myself drawn to exploring every corner of the world, from the vast open seas to the darkest depths of caves, and immersing myself in the stories of its quirky cast of NPCs. Time seems to slip away unnoticed as you lose yourself in the wonders of Seablip's world. And should you ever tire of one pursuit, rest assured that another beckons, ready to lure you into its embrace of excitement and intrigue.

Pros of Seablip

Things Seablip Got Right

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (12) Diverse And Immersive Environments

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (13) Unique Character Interactions

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (14) Freedom To Tailor Gameplay Experience

Diverse And Immersive Environments

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (15)

Seablip boasts a plethora of charming islands, each drawing inspiration from real-world locales to offer players a rich tapestry of cultural involvement. The game strikes a balance between exploration and safety, with areas unaffected by conflict providing safe havens for players to freely explore at their leisure.

This allows for unhindered immersion in the game world, enabling players to uncover hidden treasures and unravel the mysteries of each unique locale. Navigating the open seas in Seablip is a highlight, offering players the thrill of exploration as they chart a course through treacherous waters.

Unique Character Interactions

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (16)

Seablip excels in its portrayal of NPCs, imbuing each character with unique personalities and behaviors that breathe life into the game world. One standout feature of Seablip's NPC system is the dynamic nature of their dialogue and actions. NPCs aren't solely reliant on player interaction; they engage in conversations with each other, adding depth and authenticity to their interactions.

Seablip goes beyond the usual confines of NPC behavior by introducing dynamic events that unfold independently of the player's presence. For example, in Red Ford, players may encounter prisoners bound for execution, with the lineup changing each passing day. These dynamic elements further enhance the sense of whimsy and unpredictability, making every moment in Seablip feel alive with possibility.

Freedom To Tailor Gameplay Experience

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (17)

Seablip grants players the freedom to tailor their gameplay experience according to their preferences. Whether you're drawn to the thrill of hunting down bounties, embracing the tranquility of delivering mail or embarking on epic voyages across the open sea, Seablip offers a myriad of gameplay options to suit every player's tastes.

The game's expansive world invites exploration, with a wealth of islands to discover, side quests to undertake, and stories to uncover from NPCs. Whether you choose to focus on a specific aspect of gameplay or dabble in a bit of everything, Seablip empowers players to chart their own course and forge their own adventures in the vast oceanic expanse.

Cons of Seablip

Things That Seablip Can Improve

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (18) Delivery Quests Occasionally Suffered From Bugs

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (19) Crew Revival Get Inhibitively Expensive

Delivery Quests Occasionally Suffered From Bugs

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (20)

While Seablip offers an assortment of activities, such as delivery quests, I found myself encountering occasional bugs that disrupted the gameplay experience. For instance, during a delivery quest to a ship located in the middle of the sea, I found myself at the designated location with no recipient to receive the cargo, despite being in the correct spot. This issue resulted in frustration and wasted time as I waited for the necessary NPCs to appear.

Another bug I encountered was the persistence of quest lists even after completing the required tasks. For example, delivering a sack of potatoes did not prompt the quest list to update, leading to confusion regarding the quest progress.

While these minor hiccups detracted from the overall experience, it's important to note that Seablip is still in early access at the time of writing. As such, occasional bugs are to be expected, and the developer is likely working diligently to address and resolve these issues in future updates.

Crew Revival Mechanics Rely on Paying Money

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (21)

The mechanic of paying an escalating fee each time a crew member perishes can be a source of frustration for players. As someone who may not prioritize accumulating wealth in the game, the financial burden of repeatedly reviving crew members can quickly become a drain on resources.

Its reliance on monetary payment as the sole means of revival may feel restrictive. This can be particularly true for players who prefer alternative gameplay approaches or those who face frequent crew losses. Introducing additional mechanics, such as crafting recipes for revival potions, could provide players with more flexibility and alleviate the financial strain associated with crew revival.

While the current system incentivizes wealth accumulation and resource management, it may benefit from additional options to cater to a broader range of player preferences and playstyles.

Is Seablip Worth It?

It's Worth Every Doubloon, and Then Some

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (22)

If you're a fan of games like Terraria, Stardew Valley, FTL, and Kairosoft titles, Seablip offers a perfect blend of elements from each. However, even if you've never dipped your toes into these gaming waters, there's something in Seablip for everyone to enjoy. At its $14.99 price point, Seablip delivers far more value than what you pay for, making it a treasure trove of gaming experiences waiting to be explored.

Seablip Release Date and Preorder Info

Digital Storefronts
Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (23)Steam
Price $14.99

Seablip FAQ

Does Seablip have a DLC?

Yes, Seablip offers a DLC that includes a 26-track soundtrack in MP3 format.

What platform is Seablip available for?

Seablip is currently available for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. However, if the game achieves success, the developer may consider publishing it on additional platforms in the future.

What languages is Seablip supported in?

Seablip is currently available in English, but depending on funding, other languages may follow.

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Seablip Product Information

Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (28)
Release Date May 17, 2024 (Early Access)
Developer Jardar Solli
Publisher Vibedy
Supported Platforms PC(Steam)
Genre Adventure, RPG, Simulator
Number of Players 1
Rating N/A
Official Website Seablip Official Website


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Seablip Review (Early Access) | Already Better than Skull & Bones|Game8 (2024)
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