Nameless' Code - Chapter 28 - Emptied_Sky - 英雄伝説 閃の軌跡 | Sen no Kiseki (2024)

Chapter Text

“To betray, one must first belong.” ~ Harold Philby

*Chapter 39 - Black and White

(After Legram, Rean feels like he should be on a path to becoming mentally stronger. Turns out healing isn’t a simple upward arrow)

White. Blank. No cracks. No paint flaking. A little dust. White. Blank. No cracks. No paint flaking. A little dust.

He blinked.

He didn’t realize his eyes were wide open, blankly staring at the ceiling. His thoughts were motionless and the details of how there was a bird softly chirping or how his ARCUS was loudly ringing simply weren’t registering in his mind until the fourth ring.

Snapping back into reality, Rean’s hand lurched over to the sound of the ringing, clumsily opening the device and answering the call without looking at the caller ID.

“Hello..?” His voice sounded so distant, he wasn’t even sure if he actually spoke or just imagined himself talking.

“Rean! Where are you? Class is about to start!” came Alisa’s concerned voice.

It took a while, but when he finally understood what that string of words meant, he suddenly sat up.

He was going to be late to school.

“Uh- Sorry, I must’ve overslept. I’ll try to get there as fast as possible!”

He ended the call before he could hear any response. Sighing, he dropped the ARCUS to his side and observed his surroundings. Family photo sitting on top of the desk, tachi and Eastern poster hanging on the wall, and a bunch of paper horses flooding his shelf.

Nothing was out of place, but it looked so… weird. Everything looked so dull— so uninteresting, despite all the emotional memories attached to each object.

Even the stress of being late to class was losing its intensity as the blackness from closing his eyelids seemed to be the thing he’d rather keep his focus on.

And yet he didn’t feel like sleeping. He didn’t feel like doing anythi—


He couldn’t do this- couldn’t feel like this when things were finally looking up for him. How could he allow himself to wallow in his depression when he promised everyone that he’d only strive to improve himself from now on?

The guilt and fear of breaking his promise was what pushed him out of his bed, made him throw on a crinkled uniform and crooked tie, and allowed him to look at the mirror of a guy with bed-hair and tired eyes.

Acceptable enough. He didn’t exactly have the luxury of having a nice appearance when he was already late (and when the remaining energy in his arms was barely enough to turn the knob of his door).

His wrist twisted, opening the door and then—

His fingers suddenly twitched, the fabric of his bed sheet depressing from the brief pressure. His bleary eyes slowly blinked open, only to realize he was still in his bed and the whole sequence of him getting out of his bed was a dream. Glancing at the call logs, the call with Alisa definitely happened five minutes ago, but apparently he did succumb to sleep.

He let out a hopeless sigh. If it was so difficult to get out of his bed in his dreams, then how was he going to do it in real life?

After a good five minutes of debating whether he was capable of moving, he concluded that he'd rather not worry everyone by not showing up and finally decided to get moving.

(Though he ended up looking a little messier than the dream version.)

He took only one step out of his door and he already felt like giving up his quest to go to school. For no reason, too. While only his muscles were fatigued, there was nothing wrong with his body to be excused from attendance.

And yet moving seemed to be too much effort.

Whatever. At least he didn’t have to think much to force his legs to move to the stairs and—

Apparently trip down the first step.

With gravity mercilessly pulling him down.

He crashed and rolled against the edges of the stairs again and again until his back slammed against the wall.

How clumsy of him. Now he had to deal with a lack of motivation, tiredness, and pain, but at least it didn't feel like he sprained or broke anything.

Wonderful. Going to school was going to be just wonderful. But first, he needed to wait for his vision to steady.


The voice was muffled to his ringing ears, so he couldn’t really distinguish whose it was. However, knowing that Sharon usually did groceries at this time while most of Class VII was at school, it could only be one person.

He was not surprised that, when his vision cleared up, he saw Crow nonchalantly sliding down the railing of the stairs before jumping off at the end and making a graceful landing.

The slacker’s relaxed, dramatic performance was only betrayed by the concerned edge in his voice. “Shouldn’t you be at school?”

“Shouldn’t you?” Rean retorted, not feeling in the mood to describe how complicated it was to do something as simple as getting out of bed.

“Well, I was going to, buuuuuuut my bed seemed to really love my ass and didn’t want to let go, and who am I to go against the bed’s wishes?” Crow yawned, stretching his arms up but his gaze never left their target. Despite how they seemed to be having a normal conversation, Rean was well aware of the other's sharp senses that were scanning over his appearance, assessing for any injuries. “I’m assuming the floor took a liking to your ass, too?”

It was a really strange way of him asking, Did you fall?

Crow may be in danger of failing, but he wasn’t actually an idiot. While his attention span around academics was practically nonexistent, his ability to assess and deal with situations or people was ridiculously precise. At this rate, Crow was probably going to achieve a mastery level at how to deal with him because Rean was actually comfortable about admitting something so pathetic about himself without actually saying it.

“Yeah, the floor likes me so much that I think it married me." Seriously, he couldn’t get his legs to pick himself up. His lower muscles felt so boneless and energy-depleted that he wondered if they turned into jello. “I don’t think it understands that I need to go to school.”

Warily, he watched Crow hum and crouch by his side. “Hey, I understand that you need to go to school.” There was a smirk stretched across his face, coupled with a smooth wink. “How about you divorce the floor and elope with me? I promise it’ll be a bunch of fun~”

Perhaps it was because of his poor mental state, but Rean didn’t even feel exasperated at the shameless flirting. Behind the teasing was Crow genuinely asking if he needed help, and Rean was feeling extremely stubborn and introverted today so he wasn’t sure if he was ready to accept something he normally rejected.

After another lengthy debate in his head, however, he decided he really didn’t like the idea of Sharon or anyone else finding him like this, so he sighed, “Yeah. Take me away.”

He reached his hand out, expecting Crow to grab it and help pull him up.

He didn’t expect an arm to gently hook under his legs while the other supported his back.


And he was slowly lifted into the air.

The realization that he was a victim to the princess-carry clicked in his mind faster than he would’ve liked. Somehow feelings of embarrassment seemed to burst into his empty emotional reservoir, heat rising to his face as his body jerked like it hadn’t just been depleted of energy.

“Okay, nevermind. I take it back. Drop me.”

Crow laughed with no restraint and the sound made Rean feel a little lighter, despite how much he’d rather plummet into the depths of emptiness than deal with this humiliation. “Oh, there are no take-backs. You’re stuck with me now~”

His chest twitched with feelings he couldn’t understand before the delayed wave of exasperation finally hit him with a force comparable to being hit by Angie’s orbal bike. It was already hard winning against Crow on a good day, so he was doomed to lose when he was already in an awful condition.

And yet… Crow had a way of riling him that made him not want to give up the battle.

“I think you have a misunderstanding, I was only offering you an out.” Rean had to tear out whatever fire currently existed in his soul so he could have even a chance of challenging the trickster. His lips twitched up and formed a perfect smile while his eyes closed, mimicking the joyous expression he usually wore when Patrick talked about Elise. “But, since you’re so persistent , I want you to know that you’re the one stuck with me. You’re going to school now, whether you like it or not, Crow.”

He figured his intimidation was effective when he could feel Crow’s body shiver for a moment.

Crow's face, however, was still full of undeterred mischief. “You would be more convincing if you weren’t the one being carried right now.”

Would it be dumb to use his ogre power just for the benefit of getting the strength he needed to stand?

No. He didn’t think so. At least at this moment.

So he did.

With familiar, somewhat now-comfortable power crackling throughout his body like electricity, he rolled out of Crow’s grasp in one swift movement and softly landed on two feet and one arm. Shortly afterwards, he stood up to his full height and dusted himself off before reaching his hand to grasp Crow's wrist.

Looking at his amused classmate, he breathed out, “Shall we, then?”


Rean lost all of his bravado and energy when he walked out of the doors with Crow.

Why? Because there was fog. In Trista.

The last time there was fog in this town, he…

No wonder he felt so awful today. Though it wasn’t like his body usually needed a reason to feel bad.

Weakly, his hand slipped from the other as he slightly leaned on the door. His breaths came out a little harsher than usual, trying to calm himself down from the memory.

It was so weird to think that if things went a little differently, he could’ve been dead right now.

He would’ve never been able to make up with Elise. He would’ve never had closure with his mom nor would he have had any resolution with Lianne. Least of all would he have ever accepted his power if he had died beforehand.

It was true that he still hated himself, particularly the parts that remained of his past. At the same time, however, he was happy with what he had accomplished so far. He was okay with who he was in the present, and he had a slight hope that he would be even better in the future.

So this… The fog. The twitches of his fingers, craving to wrap around his tachi and feel the cold metal against his skin. This was all terrifying.

He needed to get out of here.

“Rean?” He was closing his eyes, so he didn’t notice how Crow was hovering around him, looking at him with masked concern.

Thinking about it, this guy was one of the big reasons why he was still here today. He never thanked him for that, did he?

“Hey, Crow?” His eyes slightly opened and timidly met the other’s. “It’s long overdue, but I just want to say thanks for saving me on that day.”

He was grateful that he didn’t have to elaborate what that day meant, sensing the understanding coming from the other.

Crow snorted, “You saved yourself.”

“With your help.” His smile was weak but full of sincerity. “Seriously, thanks so much. I’m really glad I'm still alive.”

If he was more aware of his surroundings instead of fighting with violent memories trying to resurface, he would’ve noticed a tinge of red on his friend's cheeks.

“You say that but you’re raising a bunch of red flags right now, Rean.”

Ugh. He only realized this now, but Crow, despite acting egotistical and dramatic at times, always deflected or ignored his own achievements when they actually mattered. How frustrating. Was this how everyone felt when he was being too humble?

His eyes closed halfway, deadpanning at his companion. “I don’t think I’d thank you for saving me, only to off myself later.” Before Crow could say otherwise, Rean took a step forward. “But if you don’t believe me, I’ll prove it right now. We’ll go to school. When that’s over, we’ll go back to the dorms and I’ll fall asleep in my bed, safe and sound. I promise.”

Crow only made a hum of acknowledgement, saying nothing as he followed Rean toward their school.

The walk to Thors Military Academy was exhausting; he could collapse any moment now. How pathetic, and he had the audacity to call himself a martial artist? Disgrace.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he insulted himself, it didn’t help to increase his energy levels at all. Embarrassingly, he was leaning onto Crow to keep his balance by the time they passed through the main gates. At this point, he was closing his eyes and letting Crow steer him toward the building.

However, it was dumb of him to trust Crow to lead him to school because, when he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in front of the engineering building.

“This isn’t class,” he deadpanned.

“Astute observation there, Rean-o.” Crow said, casuallying leading him to where the orbal bike was covered by a thick plastic sheet. Dramatically, he unveiled the machine and grinned, “Like I said before, I’m eloping with you, partner.”

“And I said that we’re going to school.”

Crow pointed at the main gates with his thumb, mischievously smirking. “Yeah? And we’re at school. Now it’s time to leave~”

Rean probably would’ve punched this guy with whatever non-existent strength he could muster up if his mind wasn’t so caught up on Crow’s last word. “Leave?”

“Yeah, it’s criminal that we have to go to school in this awful weather! No one can focus under these conditions, so I think it’d be better to cool our heads and go to Heimdallr or something. I bet it’s sunny over there.”

Beneath all the exaggeration, Crow seemed to have read his mind with terrifying accuracy. And because those were his exact thoughts earlier, it was harder for Rean to ignore the trickster’s temptations for once.

"Angie will get mad," he tried to reason.

"She owes me for stealing some girls I had my eyes on."

"George will get mad."

"He wants me to pick something up at Heimdallr."

"Towa will get mad."

"She advocates taking mental health days off."

“Skipping school is bad.”

“Going to school without being in the right state of mind is pointless though.”

Aidios— This guy had a counter to everything. This was truly an awful idea. But, the more Crow kept talking, the more it sounded less like a bad idea.

He was going to regret this, wasn’t he?

  • Anyway, they go to Heimdallr. Rean takes the side car because he doesn’t really have the strength to hold on and because he’d rather not
  • Crow dumps him off at his sister’s school. He feels better after talking to Elise.
    • Crow’s excuse for leaving is to gamble on horse races.
    • He says that they can meet up at the orbal bike.
  • He leaves early and starts looking for Crow so they can leave.
  • He sees him talking with Misty. He wonders if they’re dating.
    • He also feels kinda betrayed cause it seemed like Crow used Rean as an excuse to use the orbal bikes to go to Heimdallr for gambling and to hit on people.
    • “Are you dating?”
    • “Would I really be out here flirting with all these chicks if I didn’t have a special someone?”
    • Vita tells him that Crow's like a younger brother she never wanted.
    • “Oh come on, I know you love me~”
    • Vita ignores him. "How about you two go on a friendly date together instead! You're in Heimdallr already anyway!"
    • Rean shrugs. "I doubt I'd be worth the effort."
    • Crow and Vita look at each other.
    • Date it is!
    • They somehow get roped in a side quest with Anton who’s searching for the love of his life.
  • Funny enough, despite how they went here for better weather, it starts storming when they have to leave.
  • They return. Class VII tackles him because they were worried and didn’t know where he was at.
    • It turns out that Rean left his ARCUS at his room. Crow only shot a text to Angie that he was stealing the bike but not saying anything about bringing Rean.
  • When he wakes up, he feels much better and sees various copies of notes from his classmates. He smiles, keeping note to thank them later.

Chapter 40 - White with Black (To be Needed)

Crow made a big mistake. He was trying to rectify it by avoiding the current bane of existence, but he was failing terribly.

Yeah, he was talking about Rean. No, this wasn't some silly crush. It was just that he was getting just as attached to the teen as their classmates. It was just that, after seeing Rean’s fake smiles and period of depression, maybe finally seeing him make a real smile made Crow feel a little proud

Maybe Crow just wanted to see that real smile again.

No, seriously, it was an experience witnessing that smile bloom for the first time in the aftermath of finally controlling the power that made him want to kill himself. It was like watching a bird with a broken wing finally fly again after giving it so much care.

It didn’t help that he generally had been feeling lighter after venting all his frustrations to the suicidal maniac back then. He had been hoping that a bullet through Osborne’s skull would cure him of all his hatred, no… whatever that hot mess back then had been.

Damn, this was too dangerous.

He had told himself that he would steer clear from Rean from then on because seeing that smile made him feel things, but seeing him all depressed one day…

What else could he do? Let him wallow in misery and maybe kill himself again? Ugh, Crow was a piece of sh*t, but he wasn’t that cruel. That had been why he pulled that whole stint and took them out of Trista. Heimdallr had been the chosen location because his sister was there and could cheer him up while Crow could distract himself with gambling, the ultimate sin.

And maybe he really liked seeing Rean smile a real smile. Nothing wrong with that. He can indulge himself a bit before he will eventually ruin his life. Sure.

And maybe seeing the entire class light up like puppies at their return made him feel wanted. A bit. Maybe even a little needed.

…sh*t. He needed to get his mind out of the gutter.

Now, as the dawn rose and he could feel himself coming down with a fever, he could say that he didn’t regret anything. Yeah, maybe driving out in the cold rain and giving Rean his jacket to cover himself had been another bad idea. At least that meant he could stay in the dorm and be all by himself while the others would be stuck studying in schoo—

There was a knock on his door.

“Crow, wake up or you’ll miss school Again.”

Crow’s immune system decided to f*ck him over by answering with a loud sneeze.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Just dandy!” he said as he sat up and wiped away his snot on his bedsheets. Ugh, gross.

He should’ve known that his response wouldn’t be enough for the goody-two-shoes. The door opened, revealing Rean with a slightly concerned tilt in his eyebrow. Upon seeing Crow in all his glorified sickness, those eyes widened with guilt.

“Hey, it’s not your fault that we got assaulted by lady luck’s tears last night,” he groaned. “You ought to take care of yourself before thinking about taking care of anyone else.”

Rean stared at him for a bit, no doubt trying to figure out how sick he really was. Eventually, a soft smile crept up on his face. “Well, thanks to you, I ate all my meals yesterday and had adequate sleep, so I’m well enough to take care of another person.”

Where was Osborne when you most needed him to manifest all your hatred and disgust? Please, this was too… nice for him.

Disguising his constant inner turmoil, Crow teased, “Well then, you know what’ll make me feel better? A nice big hug~”

Rean kicked the bed.

“Oi, oi, I thought you said you were going to be my nurse! What kind of service are you running here?!”

“Sorry, this is my first day,” Rean smiled sweetly at him. Now he knew how Patty-Cakes felt. “You’ll have to bear with any amateur mistakes here and there.”

“Oi, Rean. Your smile is kinda sending fear straight to my soul.” He warily eyed the hand that was reaching toward his face. “And what are you planning to do with your hand? My handsome face can’t take another beating!”

The hand patted the fluffy hair on his head.


“You need sleep to recover.” Rean’s eyes turned away. “Elise tells me this gesture has a soothing effect, so I’m hoping this will help you sleep faster.”

Well, it did feel really good. And it also reminded him of his other problem. Ever since he hugged Rean in the Old Schoolhouse, he had noticed something. A pull for more. Vita would call him touch-starved. Crow would insist that he wasn’t. Still, that didn’t stop him from joining in all of Class VII’s group hugs.

“Hmm, yeah… That’s nice. I might even sleep faster if you join me~”

Another kick to the bed.

“Hey, my poor bed doesn’t deserve this kind of abuse!”

A sigh fell from Rean’s lips. “Seriously Crow, what will it take for you to lie in bed and rest?”

Maybe being super annoying would drive Rean away. And because “Crow” was never serious, he offered the other a dumb grin and said, “A bedtime story. I got a bunch of p*rn magazines under my be that you can read to me~”

Rean glared at him with the most exasperation he’d ever seen. "Nevermind, I may have self loathing issues but I don't think I hate myself enough to be subjected to a fate as cruel as that."

Then, without another word, he pulled up a chair beside Crow’s bed and sat. Then, he took out his journal, flipping it all the way until it opened to a page full of sticky notes.

“What’s that?”

“It’s something Sara taught me. Because I sometimes have moments when I forget about what I have and who I am, I write down reminders whenever I have a clear head. And I look at them whenever I feel lost,” Rean explained as he held up one of the sticky notes.

Crow = Good friend. You can trust him.

If Crow wasn’t going to die from a guillotine, then he was definitely going to die from being crushed by guilt.

Rean pulled out a pen and scribbled over the sticky note. With a deadpan, he lifted the newly revised sticky note for Crow to see.

Crow = Perverted gambling addict who doesn’t know how to take care of himself.

You can still trust him though.

One day, that last line will have to be crossed out. Still hiding his guilt behind a dumb joke, he complained, “Hey, I would think handsome and funny would make it to that sticky note!”

“You’ll have to earn it if you really want me to write that down. It can start with you actually lying down. I’ll get you breakfast.”

“Then you’ll go to school?”

Rean shook his head. “Since it is kind of my fault that you got sick—”

“I told you not to worry about that.”

“Still, I’d feel guilty for leaving you alone since this wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t such a mess yesterday. I’ll just say I need another day to recover.”

Crow sighed, knowing there was no way to convince Rean otherwise at this point. Letting himself fall back into bed, he sighed. “When’d you become such a delinquent?”

A small laugh fell from Rean’s lips. “Well, there’s this very bad influence…”

Really. That sound and that smile were making his heart do flips. He really needed to invest in a poster of Osborne just to remind himself how to kill his heart.

Still, for this moment, Crow grinned. “Inflating my big ego is going to be your biggest mistake. Just watch.”

It only took a few minutes for Rean to leave and come back with some soup and fruit. They didn’t say anything else, just basked in each other’s company until Crow felt his strength leave him. He rolled over in his bed and closed his eyes. Just then, he felt a hand pat his head.

It was so nice. And strange. Why did being around this guy make Crow feel oddly content?

That was the only question that pinged around his head before he bonked out.

Chapter 41 - Find the Way

[Scene 1 - Roselia’s Adventure]

Between Celdic - Barehard field studies: Roselia is fortifying the barrier so no stinking gnomes can enter (Alberich spends this time ‘reviving’ Isola. She isn’t an Awakener, so she’s essentially a mindless zombie. He uses her so he can gain access to more complicated witch spells.)

Bareahard-Nord: Roselia finds out that Emma’s mother’s grave has been disturbed. She investigates how and what happened. She sets off on a manhunt for Alberich.

Nord-Heimdallr: Still on a manhunt

Heimdallr-Legram: Roselia returns. She receives a report from Celine. She goes to Trista to see what’s going on. She wonders how she’s going to tell Emma about what happened

When Class VII returns from the Legram field study, Roselia visits. First, she checks in with the Awakener because they are most confused about that. She barges into his room (because she don’t knock) and hears a familiar voice. It’s Lianne’s voice coming from the speaker of the phone.

Yeah, Rean and Lianne just casually call each other whenever they're both free.

Rean’s eyes sparkle around her, having a fanboy moment when he realizes who Roselia is (a trait from Kasia being a massive history nerd).

[Scene 2 - Awakening]

Old Schoolhouse Investigation

They reach the final level early (because Rean had cleared two levels just before his suicide attempt two months back.

They reach Valimar. Valimar activates.

“It’s finally nice to meet you, son of Dreichels.”

Rean does a double take. Everyone is confused by that phrase. Emma guesses that he means in the sense that since Dreichels is like a founding father of the Empire, then all born in Erebonia are like his children. In a way. He silently thanks Emma in his head.

He sneaks in at night to visit Valimar. They chat. It turns out that Valimar has all his memories from fighting with Dreichels.

Rean didn't know that. His self loathing leaks out.

“Are you disappointed that you got stuck with a weak Awakener like me?”

“I barely know you, but I sense great potential in you. I don't regret my choice.”

  • Emma also does her job and helps guide him on how to pilot a Divine Knight.

Chapter 42 - Miasma of Hatred

  • Roer Field Study: - C
    • Crow, Machias, Fie, Alisa, Elliot. At this point, Rean doesn’t even question why it seems like he’s the only one who seems to be swapping teams. Sara says, just like with Millium, his job is to show the new transferee around the ropes and class dynamics.
    • Rean senses no life force in the airship again. He also notices something vaguely familiar about C's presence but can't pinpoint exactly what it is
      • He gets into contact with Claire secretly and tells her that no one was on the ship when she shot it down. The terrorist leader is still alive.

*Chapter 43 - Incandescent Love

Alisa notices that Rean’s carrying one of Dorothy’s books. Rean says he bumped into Dorothy and ended up asking her for some dating advice and so she gave him a BL novel.

“Sorry, is this an uncomfortable topic? You know… since you…” The words that she had feelings for him were left unsaid, though it wasn’t hard for her to pick up what he was trying to say.

“Oh, no. It’s fine,” she smiled at him to show she wasn’t bothered. “Like I said before, I’ve accepted that we just weren’t meant to be. Though…” She pointed at the book in his arms. “You made it sound like you never wanted to look for a special someone before. What’s with the change?”

"Um…” Rean scratched his cheek as he usually did when he felt awkward. “Since Anton and Sharon got together, he’s asking for some dating advice. I don’t have any experience, so I thought I’d do some research.”

“WAIT, SHARON’S DATING SOMEONE? WHO? WHEN?!” How come she hadn’t mentioned anything to her?!

“To be honest, I think she's just politely humoring him.”

“Still! For the whole time I've known Sharon, she's never dated anyone! I always thought she was too invested in her maid duty to even consider… Oh, I just have to see this guy.”

“He’s not a bad guy,” Rean awkwardly chuckled. “But, it made me realize that I’m not cut out for this love thing.”

“So you are thinking about love for yourself.”

Rean's gaze shyly shifted away as he nervously tapped on the book.

"I’ve been thinking about my future and about what I want and, while I’m still confused about most things, I think it’d be nice to have someone by my side… I know I don’t deserve it and whoever is with me doesn’t deserve it… Still, it’s a nice thought… ” He would’ve continued to mumble if Alisa didn’t lightly place her hand on his shoulder.

“I get it, you don’t need to explain any further. Honestly I’m happy to see you moving forward too,” she beamed at him before she pointed at the book again. “But… Uh… I don’t think that book is going to be much help.”

“Why not? You’ve read it before?”

Alisa failed to hide the blush on her cheeks. “I- yeah. It’s not like a dating manual, I can tell you that for sure. Plus… Wait, are you into guys?”

“Never really thought about it,” Rean shrugged. “But I don’t want to limit my options because I don’t think a lot of people would like me once they got to know me better…”

Alisa almost wanted to sigh at his idiocy.

“Okay then, do you know your type? Like, do you know what kind of people you would be interested in?”

“Again, I haven’t really thought about—”


Rean bit out a quick apology as he pulled his ARCUS out of his pocket and answered.

Like a switch turned off, his kind demeanor faded into a deadpan while his voice flattened. “What do you want, Crow?”

Alisa just stared at her friend curiously, watching him grumble, sigh, and sound generally sarcastic at the ARCUS. It was a rare side to him, usually reserved for the irresponsible ones like Crow and Sara. Honestly, it was pretty amusing how he could switch between being an overprotective friend to being someone who looked like they couldn’t care less if an idiot dropped dead in front of him.

He was like the opposite of herself actually. She was cold on the outside, but warm on the inside. In contrast, Rean was warm on the outside, but dished out his inner cold to people he could trust to handle it.

After a couple more minutes, Rean shut his ARCUS closed, indicating the conversation ended. His smile was full of apology toward her, but there was also a different emotion swirling in his lilac eyes that hadn’t been there before. Like a spark that usually wasn’t there.

“Sorry,” he scratched his cheek, pushing his ARCUS into his back pocket. “It seems like Crow needs me to drive him to Heimdallr again.”

It took her a little longer than she would’ve liked to process his words.

“Huh?!” And now she was gaping because Rean just casually dropped a bomb and she didn’t understand why he was acting like it was completely normal. “Drive? Like, using Angie’s orbal bike? To Heimdallr? With Crow? Again?”

“Uh, yeah.” He actually had the audacity to look at Alisa in confusion, as if she was the one malfunctioning. “After the first time, Angelica banned Crow from driving her bike but said it was fine if I drove it. Sometimes they give him errands to do in Heimdallr and he’s not a fan of the trains, so he kind of begs me to drive him every time.”

Her eyebrows were twisted, trying to make sense of why the upperclassmen would give Crow —of all people—errands and make it so that Rean was the only person other than Angie who could drive him. “I’m guessing he rides in the sidecar while you’re driving the orbal bike?”

And then Rean snorted, as if she said something so silly again. “You know Crow; he’s stubbornly perverted. He always insists on riding behind me and then holds onto me tightly in an attempt to tease me.” He glanced away for a second. “I got over it.”

Or so he said, but the momentary lack of eye contact was extremely odd.

Frowning, she pressed for more details, “And it’s the same thing when you guys return to Trista?”


She could swear there was a faint blush dusting his cheeks right now.



He was scratching his cheek again and it would've made her worry that he was about to hurt himself if not for how her focus was more on how his eyes were outright refusing to meet hers and how his face was steadily blooming red.

“I… I don’t know how he does it, but he always manages to steal the keys from me when we’re shopping. Even with the extra effort I’m putting into my Eight Leaves training, he seems to always be able to evade my senses, so…” Alisa didn’t think she’d ever seen Rean look so embarrassed, but it made him look incredibly adorable in this moment. “He drives us back and, since the side car is usually full of the stuff he has to buy, I sit behind him.”

“...Do you have a problem with being in the backseat?”

A pause.

“It's… embarrassing?” He genuinely sounded like a lost child. “I think I’m just frustrated that he manages to pull off that trick everytime and I still can’t figure out how he manages to do it.”

Alisa just nodded along, totally not believing frustration was the only reason he was acting so flustered.

“Okay… Well, is there anything else that he does that makes you frustrated?”

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes with a slight pinch to his eyebrows. “There was one time he used my lap as a pillow. Even though we were sitting on a couch. With a bunch of pillows on it."

Yeah, she could agree that that would be frustrating. It was also suspicious because she'd never seen Crow cross boundaries like that with anyone else. Now that she thought about it, he mostly pulled off his perverted stunts when Rean was around to reprimand him.

Kind of like a puppy doing bad tricks to gain attention.


Did that mean the feelings were mutual..?


"You know you could've just pushed him off."

"I did, but he was stubborn and made a point to express how comfortable he was. And then his hair… I don't know what hair products he uses, but his hair was really soft and fluffy."

No matter how much she tried, she couldn't clear the utter look of dumbfoundedness that her face was probably showing. "Okay. Let me get this straight. He rested his head on your lap and you patted his head? Just like that?"

Suddenly his flustered face turned sour. "No. I kicked him off after that." Then the blush on his face returned. "Though I have to admit that my mood was improved compared to the morning of that day."

Alisa was blinking owlishly.

"...Does he always pull off some dumb stunts when you're feeling down?"

"Um…" He pensively looked up at the sky for a moment. "Yeah, actually. What a coincidence."

Alisa did not believe it was a coincidence.

Actually, Alisa didn't believe how she was only seeing the connection now. She actually wanted to slap herself for being so blind because all her memories of their interactions together were making more sense under this new light she just uncovered.

Also, the fact that Crow seemed to be pulling off the stupidest tricks to cheer up Rean… That sounded so adorable, what the—!

"I should get going now," Rean muttered, turning around. "It was really nice talking to you, A—"


He stopped, glancing at her curiously.

"That book," Alisa pointed at the BL novel he was holding. "Try practicing some of the stuff in there on Crow."


"It's just practice. If he minds, he'll stop you. And you tell him it's revenge for messing with you all the time."

Now it was his turn to stare at the dumb book for an absurd amount of time. "Revenge," he repeated blankly. Eventually, a smile pulled at his lips again as he grinned at her. "Thanks! I might do exactly that!"

He turned away and ran, leaving Alisa to watch his fleeting back.

She sighed, holding a hand to her chest and hating how his smile made her heart leap for a moment. It really was tough to get over these feelings, huh?

Surprisingly enough though, she couldn't help but also feel happy for her ex-crush.

If a guy like him, riddled with so much trauma and insecurity and fear, could start moving forward, then Alisa could too.

—- Later —-

“...And then they said something about how our eyes would meet and we would feel an instant connection,” Rean finished, recalling the advice the members of the Lit club gave him for dating.

His eyes cutely flicked up to meet Crow’s for his opinion, reminiscent of the beginning of the school year he correctly thought Crow, being the impeccable student that he was, had the best advice.

“Is that actually how love works..?”

(Nowadays, Rean was usually sending him a cold-hearted deadpan.)

“I see…” Crow purposely exaggerated the pensiveness in his tone as he raised his hand to cup his own chin, pretending to think deeply. After a few long moments, he snapped his fingers and winked. “Of course that’s how it works! Just look into my eyes and you’ll feel an instant zap~”

Aaaaand there was the aforementioned signature deadpan from his junior. It also had a cute charm to it, he couldn’t not admit.

“I knew I shouldn't have gone to you for dating advice,” Rean sighed, turning to place his hand on the doorknob for his own room.

“Now, now~” Crow jokingly tsked, adding a little sharpness to his voice to stop Rean from twisting his whole body away from him. “I’m just a little offended that you didn’t come to your best pal for advice first! I’m pretty sure the wisdom I’ve accrued from all my dating experience can prove to be quite valuable knowledge to you~”

“Or. You would teach me exactly what not to do.”

A bubble of laughter escaped from Crow’s throat. “Heh, it’s still valuable knowledge. Here, Lemme give you one of my five-star lessons right now, free of charge~ Step one: Trap them.”



Lilac eyes were impossibly wide, tracking how Crow had slammed his right forearm on the space next to his head, while the rest of Crow’s body allowed little space for him to run. The sudden action caused Rean to press his back flatly against his door while his left hand slightly trembled on his doorknob.

His heart was beating… fast. Really fast. He wasn’t sure if his body was registering Crow’s demonstration as a threat or as something else.

“Step two: Get closer.”

Their foreheads and noses were almost touching, locking his lilac eyes with an intense crimson gaze. Mesmerized and perplexed as hell how someone could look so playful and serious at the same time, he felt his body freeze in place, vulnerable to whatever advances Crow would do next.

“And step three: Kiss~”

Rean turned the doorknob, causing both their weights to push open the door. Their bodies fell to the ground in a tangled mess, and Rean’s face lit up on fire when he realized their lips—

He pushed Crow off of him. He really had to, because his heart was raging and his whole body felt so warm from such a simple touch that he didn’t know how to deal with it. Not looking at how Crow reacted because he didn’t want to make the mistake of looking at those eyes again, Rean shut the door.

And locked it.

Leaving an absolutely flabbergasted and flustered Crow to stare at Rean’s door in stupor for the next five minutes.

*Chapter 44 - Hot Cocoa Coupled with Edge and Love

[Scene 1 - Train Ride to Ymir Shenanigans]

They go to Ymir for vacation. The train ride is all calm and peaceful, full of Class VII and the upperclassmen. Some are sleeping, some are playing blade, and some are just having pleasant conversation. That peace quickly breaks when Fie wakes up with a startle.

“Nightmare?” Emma asks.

“No, just a really weird dream.” Fie looks around until her gaze lands on Rean, who is about to drink a bottle of water. “I had a dream that we became Rean’s harem.”

Laura tilts her head at her. “What is a… harem?”

Gaius laughs. “It’s when one person has multiple lovers. I guess it’s not too far-fetched a dream, considering how overprotective some of us are.”

Rean is dying in embarrassment. He only just wanted to go to sleep.

Elliot is sitting next to him, patting his back in comfort. “They’re just teasing… I think.”

Alisa slides her palm down her face. “Actually, I heard from Ferris. Apparently there’s a big rumor in our school, saying that either we’re Rean’s harem or we’re all engaging in one big polygamous relationship.”

Machias makes the mistake of drinking his coffee when hearing this and accidentally spits it out. “WHAT?”

Jusis takes a moment to look at him in disgust before saying, “It seems like they’ve ceased the gossip of who Rean will end up with and decided to just bring us all into his scandalous love life.”

Rean is still dying. “Guys, can we please move onto a different conversation—”

“First and foremost, since it’s come down to this, I need to clear things about who the main concubine is,” Crow stands up and announces with a loud voice. “It's me, so this position is already occupied. You can have battle royal for other vacant positions like second and third concubine. Good luck by the way, even me, the very first one, still can’t break Rean’s steel wall of denseness.”

Machias shouts in retaliation. “This is just ridiculous, who cares about what kind of love life Rean leads?!”

Millium bounces off her seat and raises her hand with pure glee. “Me!!”

“Me,” Crow laughs.

“Alisa, too,” Fie adds, still curled up in her seat like a cat.


Fie ignores the flustered blonde and continues. “Not to mention, Macchiato, you’re also quite the opponent. Don’t forget that speech you gave Rean back in the hospital. Also, when you first acted all hostile and tsundere so Rean would constantly think about you and how to improve the relationship between you both. Then, when his thoughts are full of you, you “warm up” to show your best sides and qualities. Very cunning, I didn't expect this from you.”

“Damn, Macchiato,” Crow whistles. “You seem quite determined, maybe you can become the second concubine.”


Gaius, no matter how hard he tries, can’t hide his smile. “The winds of love seem as turbulent as all other social life aspects of our class.”

As red as a tomato, Rean hides his face in his hands. “Please stop, even though I know you’re all just teasing me…”

Fie smirks. “Yet you still fall for it~”

[Scene 2 - A Warm Welcome]

Greeting with the Schwarzer family. When Lucia hugs Rean, he finally musters the courage to hug her back. Lucia squeals. Elise rushes to Rean to get a reciprocated hug. Teo joins and they have this giant group family hug.

Rean’s about to suffocate, but he’s glad he’s able to make his family happy.

Teo also talks about how Master Yun Ka-Fai has visited recently and passed a riddle on for him to solve. Since, at this point of the game, Rean has stopped running from himself, he already has an answer to the question. Teo tells him he passed and gives him a scroll. Rean is now an intermediate practitioner of the Eight Leaves One Blade school.

[Scene 3 - School Festival Plans]

While the Schwarzers are busy with themselves, the rest of the class talk about what they’re doing for the school festival. Outraged after hearing the plans, Machias asks why the heck Crow isn’t involved in this.

Crow waves him off and says “It’s for the first-years to shine. If I’m on stage, then I’ll steal all the spotlight~”

Everyone sends him side eyes. “I somehow doubt that,” Jusis deadpans.

Millium is the one who hits the mark. “Oh, I get it! Crow’s just embarrassed because he joined the class late and doesn’t feel like he belongs on the stage with us!”

Crow stares at her in stupor. Where the f*ck did that conclusion come from.

The idea clicks into everyone’s heads and they smirk at him. Crow still refuses, to which Fie suggests they ask Rean to ask him.

Crow says “Hold up, Rean’s opinion ain’t gonna change a thing.”

“Oh come on,” Alisa smirks. “Past all your teasing, we all know you can’t resist him. If he says he wants you to join the stage, then you’re joining the stage.”

“Yeah right.” Crow is in denial.

Everyone just smirks at him as Millium bounces up the stairs to get their remaining classmate. She explains everything and returns to the class with Rean in tow.

“Crow, I didn’t know you felt that way about your position in the class,” Rean looks away with that damned guilty look on his face again. Crow hates it because he knows it’s genuine. “I know we tease you a lot for your questionable grades, but I’m sorry if I ever made you feel—”

“Alright, that’s enough sappiness,” Crow groans. “It’s not that I don’t feel like I belong…” A damn lie. “But I’m trying not to embarrass you guys—”

“Embarrass?” Rean loses all emotion in his voice. “Have you seen the girl’s designs which you picked? Heck, have you seen the guys’ designs?! We look like a pampered rich kid boy band!”

“Hey, guys love seeing boobs and butts. And girls love their male idols.”

“E X C U S E M E, W H A T.”

Alisa, Laura, and Emma glare at Crow. “Show us the damn drafts.”

Millium looks at them confused. “I don’t see what the problem is? If people like boobs and butts, then I totally wanna jump in on the fun!”

Fie whistles. “Oh, you’re so dead, Crow.”

Crow pleads with his fellow upperclassmen. “Buddies, help a guy out here—”

“Actions have consequences,” Towa sighs as she shakes her head. “Actions have consequences.”

Angie barks out a laugh. “I know great minds think alike and I’m probably on board with whatever designs you came up with, but this isn’t going to be a mistake I’m going to bear!”

George stares at him with disappointment. “Sometimes I wonder how we’re still friends.”

Crow looks to his fellow guys in Class VII. “Please?

“You’ve dug your own grave,” Jusis shrugs.

“Yeah! I already can’t stand the idea of having a duet with HIM of all people, but putting ME in such snobbish garments?! Are you trying to kill my dignity?!”

Elliot shrugs. “As long as it doesn’t impact our music performance.”

“The winds can only help with so much.”

Rean shows him no pity. “I’ll only help if you join us in the performance.”

“Aidios’ tit*, fine!”

Crow’s going to regret this, isn’t he?

[Scene 4 - Spilled Beans]

Elise spills a lot of secrets about Rean. For example, he helped construct a snowboarding course… though he never finished. This revelation motivates everyone to help him finish that snowboarding course and they all get coached on how to snowboard by the two siblings.

“Oh, there was also this one time I got Rean to draw some clothes with me, the theme being what would they wear if we were in some fantasy world.”

Rean loses all color in his face. “Elise, please don’t—”

She shows them the drawing of the Unspeakable R Costume

“Wow Rean, you had quite the active imagination when you were young,” Elliot chuckled.

“It’s very… edgy,” Alisa laughed along as she playfully nudged his elbow. “I was not expecting that from you.”

He was blushing so hard. He’d take Crow reading that dumb BL novel to him over this. “I regret everything.”

When Crow is shown the picture, he smirks and grabs a pencil and paper. He draws an outfit of his own imagination and shows it to Rean. “Heh, you aren’t the only one with cool tastes, Rean.”

“That’s dumb,” Fie points out mercilessly.

Machias agrees. “Crow, that looks like a villain from some crappy soap opera.”

“That mask is especially ugly,” Jusis nods.

“Hey! Don’t discriminate against guys with edgy imaginations! That’s what gals these days love!”

Emma stares at him in disgust. “No, that’s just utter cringe.”

Both their spirits were broken that day.

Still. “Embrace the cringe!” Crow stubbornly insists.

Rean is melting into a pool of embarrassment. However, hearing Crow laugh and defend both their edgy imaginations, it doesn’t feel so unbearable.

[Scene 5 - Shovel Talk]

Elise watches all their shenanigans. When she gets the chance, she pulls Crow aside. In a creepy smile that rivals Rean’s whenever he sees Patrick, she says:

“If you hurt him, I will decapitate you, feed your body to rodents, and mount your head on my wall.”

It takes Crow a long time to process such a blatant threat from someone he saw as a pampered princess type.

“What the hell did I do to you?”

“Nothing.” Elise smooths her face to a neutral expression. “I thought I would give you the obligatory shovel talk. This is nothing compared to what Mother and Father will do when they find out.”

“Shovel talk? Woah there, miss. I think you got the wrong idea. Rean and I aren't like that.”

“You… aren't?”

“We aren't! What got that idea in your head?”

Elise blushes. “Well, you're always… touching. Either both your shoulders are touching or you're leaning over him.”

The realization dawns on him like a lightning bolt striking him down. Still, he feigns confusion. “Uhh what?”

“Are you… not aware?”

“Ah, those are just casual friendly touches.”

Elise looks suspicious. “But you don’t do it as much with your other friends. And no one else crowds Rean’s personal space as much as you do. Not even Millium.”

Damn, there’s no way for him to explain his way out of this one. And, like she deduced, he didn’t even know until now. Is this circling back to that touch-starveness Vita was talking about way before? Aidios damn it.

“Look, there’s no need to be in denial.” Elise says. “I already approve of you. After all, Rean would have died if you weren’t there. And, I can see that your presence gives him comfort. I don’t mind if things don’t work out between you two, sometimes that’s just how life works out. I just… He doesn’t easily trust love. If you betray that trust, I’m afraid he’ll stop believing in himself first before he stops believing in you.”

There is nervous laughter bubbling up his throat, but he pushes it down. Even if he wanted to entertain a romantic fling, Osborne’s assassination date is coming very soon.

Crow is beyond love at this point.

“Well, it’s a good thing we’re not in love.”

Elise narrows her eyes and assesses him. “Do you even know what love feels like?”

“According to certain novelists of certain genres, it’s that spark when your eyes meet.”

She sighs. “Perhaps I really have nothing to worry about for now.”

The conversation may be over, but Crow becomes more self conscious of how he views and interacts with Rean. He resolves to try to avoid him more so their relationship doesn’t spiral into something that will keep Rean attached even after Crow puts the mask on.

[Scene 6 - Obligatory Bleublanc Quest]

  • Blueblanc messes with the weather. Class VII goes out to investigate it. They reach the place where Rean killed two jaegers and tried to kill himself. He only reveals the first part to his classmates, not wanting to worry them more about his first suicidal attempt and that this place just makes him feel sick.
  • They fight a monster. Bleublanc reveals himself. Says that he’s impressed with how much Class VII has grown since they last met. He also calls out Rean again, saying how a certain someone wishes him the best.

“Oi, Rean,” Fie says. “He’s making it really hard for us not to believe you’re part of this Oar-boars group.”

“It’s Ouroboros, Fie,” Emma sweat-drops.

Rean sighs. “I’ve told you before, I’m not. You can even ask Instructor Sara and she’ll confirm.”

“How much beer did you bribe her to keep her silent?”


Crow contemplates Rean’s connection with Ouroboros. This is the first time he’s hearing it, and Vita has mentioned nothing of it. Maybe he’s just friends with one of the members, just like how he’s just friends-ish with Vita…

[Scene 7 - Our Promised Futures]

Crow talks with his fellow upperclassmen about their plans after graduation. He hears that Angie gave her bike away to Rean (and complains why she couldn’t have given such a beaut to him). George says he’s going to visit all the major technological institutes to learn more about engineering. Towa says she’s still uncertain.

The three do say that they’re all mostly worried about his future since his grades seem to still be on the edge of passing.

“Nah, I’ll be fine. I make it through, you know I always do.”

“Yeah, but…” Towa sees through him. “Compared to when we first met, you look like you’ve given up.”

Crow forces the edges of his mouth to twist into a smirk. “What’cha all talking about? I know I’m more tired, but that’s because of all this festival prep.”

“You can fool the others and yourself, but you can’t fool us,” George says. “There’s something weighing you down.”

Angie is actually clueless on this, too focused on her own issues, but she does pump out a “Yeah!”

“That goes for you as well, Angie!” Towa scolds her. “I don’t know what’s going on with the two of you, but I want to let you know you can always come to us for support. Whether you want advice or to just hang out to relieve some stress, we’ll be there for you!”

Crow is speechless.

“So please… I know our paths will diverge, but can you at least promise that we’ll graduate together?”

Towa puts her hand out. George is the first to place his hand over hers. Angie, though reluctantly, places her hand out next.

Crow doesn’t have the heart to deny them, so his hand joins them.

“To graduating together!”

Even if it’s a big fat lie.

*Chapter 45 - Varying Infinities

[Scene 1 - Old Memories]

“I already knew… that I’m the worst. I make trouble for everyone I meet. I’m really not worthy of their care… I keep trying to stay away from them, but they won’t stop. It’s an endless cycle of suffering for them.

“I tried— I really tried, but I can't change! I’m just… too evil—! This whole time, the person I should’ve been protecting everyone from was… myself.

“I- I’m sorry Lianne… Master Yun Ka-Fai… Schwarzers… dad… mom...

“I love you all…”


It’s a bad idea, really.

When the lights turn off and his friends and family fall asleep, he finds himself alone with his thoughts. It’s one of those sleepless nights. It’s nothing unusual, whether he’s able to fall asleep with ease is usually a hit or miss, and he tends to find himself in reveries.

This isn’t the first time he’s reminisced about this particular memory either. In fact, knowing that it’s happened doesn’t bother him as much as it used to.

That had been one of his weakest moments—though he has admittedly had many, many weak moments. But, it’s difficult, trying to remember the feelings that had been drowning him at the time.

It’s a memory, but it’s like his past self has become a stranger.

Has he lost a part of himself by taking a path to better himself? Is that what it means to change? To have a weakening connection to the person you once were?

Is this proof that he’s changed? That he’s better?

The urge to find out drives him to rise from his bed and sneak out from his room. His travel coat is all he needs to protect him from the biting cold.

It doesn't take long to find the place where he first tried to kill himself. Even if the past is submerged in only red and white, he can never forget the trail of broken promises leading up to here.

And yet, he feels at peace even when a despairing ghost of the past overlaps with the pure falling snow of the present.

Taking a deep breath, he draws his sword and points it at the illusion before him.

I already knew… that I’m the worst. I make trouble for everyone I meet. I’m really not worthy of their care…

“I'm not the worst. I can be worthy.”

I tried— I really tried, but I can't change! I’m just… too evil—!

“I can change. I'm not evil.”

This whole time, the person I should’ve been protecting everyone from was… myself.

“I won't hurt them.”

“I- I’m sorry Lianne… Master Yun Ka-Fai… Schwarzers… dad… mom...

“I love you all…”

“I love—”

The sound of crunching snow halts his movements. A presence approaches, though there is no hostility. In fact, this new arrival appears familiarly lax and playful.

[Scene 2 - New memories]

“And here I thought you finally manned up and snuck into one of the fair maiden’s rooms. What a shame— ACHOO!”

Rean sheaths his sword and turns around. Crow stands not too far away, all in his shivering and runny-nosed glory (in all honesty, he couldn’t sleep after his conversation with his friends and decided to take a stroll).

Ignoring the poor attempt to tease him, Rean takes pity and shrugs his coat off. “Someone seems out of his element,” he smirks as he offers his coat to other.

Crow accepts it and wraps it around his shoulders, although it's a bit too narrow for his broader shoulders. “Heh, well unfortunately, Ol’ Crow didn't grow up on a freezing mountain of death. I'm more of a summer and beach person.”

“For the bounce vectors?”

“You know me so well~” Crow flashes him a grin and pats him on the back. “But anyway, what are you doing all alone on this death mountain?”

“Just reminiscing.”

“Oh, about the jaegers that attacked you here?”


“Ah? Oh, there’s more to that story, huh? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.”

“It's okay. Compared to what you've seen from me, the truth shouldn't really surprise you.”

He tells Crow about the first time he tried to kill himself. Things are silent between them for a minute. No doubt, Crow is probably thinking he’s pathetic for not learning his lesson the first time—

“Hey,” Crow says. “How about we replace your bad memory of this place with a good memory? I mean, I think we already did it with the class earlier today, but another good to cancel the negative can’t hurt.”

Rean looks back in confusion.

Crow decides to distract them from all this serious stuff and have fun. To show off how much of a ‘senpai’ he is, he suggests doing a little fun sharpshooting. Rean raises his brow, stating the obvious that he doesn’t shoot. Crow responds by saying this is where the senpai part comes in and he teaches Rean how to aim.

They aim and miss. Rean notices that Crow is shaking and says, “Self-proclaimed expert, looks like you’re shaking a lot.”

“Sh- Shut up! Like I said, I ain’t great with cold weather!” He shifts his position, moving closer to Rean. “If you’re gonna complain about it, then I’m just gonna steal your body heat.”

His first instinct is to shrug Crow off but Rean feels comfortable and relaxes, letting loose some tension.

“It’s all about focus.”

Rean shoots and he hits the target. “I admit, it’s interesting using a gun, but I can’t say it’s my preference. How about you? When did you learn to use a gun?”

“My old man taught me how to shoot,” Crow laughs but there’s an edge of bitterness to it. “Hunting was a big thing in my home, back before…”

Rean stiffens.

So close like this, he can feel a lick of hatred ooze out from the other. It’s raging and pure, not at all influenced by the curse. He remembers now why C’s miasma of hatred felt so familiar. It’s the same as the one that had been billowing around Crow during their fight back in the Old Schoolhouse.





Crow is C.

Crow notices how he’s shaking and is like "Oh, look who's getting cold now."

It gets a laugh out of Rean, not because it's particularly funny but because Crow is such a chill guy. It makes him wonder how this could possibly be a terrorist… but he knows that his dad’s policies are ruthless for a reason. There’s a reason why there are terrorists hellbent on seeing his downfall.

The fact that such a silly guy like Crow had to be caught up in it— became a terrorist leader for it… It’s tragic.

Rean smiles. It’s the fakest smile he’s ever mustered since Legram.

[Scene 3 - Confirmation]

Early next morning

Rean asks Millium for information about C. He says Lechter’s fine with her telling him. (A lie.)

Millium is suspicious, doesn’t want to say anything because Rean could know C which is why he wants information. But then realizes that the goal is to recruit him anyway, so it’ll be better if he knows the truth.

And so Rean gets crucial information needed which confirms his suspicions about Crow being C. And it makes him feel worse when he remembers telling Claire that C didn’t die back in Roer. He kinda ruined Crow’s plans already, huh.

It’s also a little funny because he’s sure if Millium could connect all the dots, she could figure it all out, too. But she tends to take a while to find the answer.

Millium says that in return for giving this information, he has to promise to join the Ironbloods.

He is so confused. “Why would you care about that?”

“Because it’s my mission!”

He is more confused because why would Dad give her a mission like that?

[Scene 4 - Past or Present Bonds]

Everyone else wakes up. The class is supposed to leave. Rean asks to have one more day with his family, by himself. Sara says why the hell not and lets him stay with his family one more day.

Rean questions what to do. What Crow and his allies were doing, it was all part of Osborne’s plan in the long run, wasn’t it? All the conflict was needed for them to end this stupid curse over the country. To try to convince Crow to stop would be going against his dad’s plan wouldn’t it? It would be a betrayal to the father who supported him for all these years and went along with his selfish wishes.

He couldn’t do that to his dad…

But what about Crow? The ILF made it clear that they hate the chancellor and want to see him fall. But such a task was impossible. Dad couldn’t die through normal means. If they ever succeeded in their goal… It would only be all for nothing. All their pain, hatred, and efforts were already for nothing. If they died for their cause, their lives and deaths too would all be for nothing. They would only be a footnote in history textbooks.

For Crow to destroy himself when Rean just watched and did nothing… It would be a massive disservice to the guy who saved him and helped him keep moving forward. Rean was far too indebted to Crow to just let him fall to a meaningless fate.

Plus, just thinking about Crow dying…


…Rean wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle it.

Dilemma. He was going to have to choose between Dad and Crow. Between loyalty and selfishness.

The answer should’ve been obvious.

Deeply sighing, he rolled off his bed and landed on his feet. With determined strides, he quickly passed his door and knocked on the door across from it. Lazy footsteps approached the opposite end of the door before it opened, revealing his tired-looking friend.

“Yo, Rean,” Crow yawned. “What’s u—”

His voice was silenced by the tight embrace he was suddenly pulled into. Rean didn’t even mean to hug too tightly, but he was only just realizing how much he needed this. The warmth of the other’s body, the strength from the awkward pat on his head, and the—

“Woah there! I thought for sure that the cologne I put on said that it’d make me a chick magnet. Instead I find a hot dude in my arms. Well, not that I’m complaining~”

—the stupid joke.

(And this stupid smell. What even was this? Some kind of blend of citrus, cedarwood, sandalwood and musk..? This guy was impressing no one.)

This was Crow. This was C.

To think that all of this could be soon out of his reach made Rean realize that this silly trickster was… important to him.

Eventually, the rest of the class leaves Ymr. Rean sits on his bed in contemplation. After minutes and an hour, he reaches the Enigma under his bed.

He calls Osborne.




[A/N:] No more Rean’s POV until end of school festival. Crow takes main POV until then

Chapter 46 - To Resist Loneliness

[Major Point 1 - Distance]

Crow takes the main POV for the school festival prep and the going ons during it. His classmates sense that he and Rean are both obviously attracted to each other and tell Crow to make a move.

But, he notices that Rean has grown somewhat distant and decides it's better that way. Easier, too. He finally doesn’t have to get distracted. Not like he even believes Rean has feelings back, but he tries to avoid Rean to avoid any potential feelings from blooming before the big date with his sniper.

Crow does also have to deal with how he’s growing more attached to this class as they continue to work closely for the concert. Less interaction with Rean actually means more interaction with their groupie.

[Major Point 2 - Unwanted Love]

He’s actually surprised that he can feel warmth that reminds him of his old home. Crow does because he's greedy and wants to fill the void left by his deceased grandfather and altered home. It wants to pretend he can have everything: his friends and the revenge plan. Though he knows it won't last long and the crash will hit hard.

Class VII was going to be the end of him.

His friends push Crow to confess his (obvious) feelings. (Jusis is straightforward as always). Even if he was in love, he truly wonders if someone like him is capable of sending genuine, warm feelings. He keeps being in denial, but he notices that his thoughts turn to a certain goody-two-shoes more often now that they don’t interact as much anymore.

School feels a little more boring now with this unexpected development. He kind of wants to talk—

No. And, he doubts this is love. At most, he’ll accept it as a silly little crush.

Days pass with minimal interaction with Rean. He asks the rest of Class VII if they noticed any changes in Rean. They say he’s mostly the same, though maybe preoccupied with his thoughts.

It’s setting Crow more on edge than the impending assassination date.

Eventually, he forces him to approach Rean and ask to play Blade in the park outside. Rean agrees, though he’s notably more muted than usual. It’s a quiet game. Well, until Patrick approaches them.

"Schwarzer, may I speak to you privately?"

Rean didn't spare him a glance, too focused on the blade game he was playing with Crow. "Give me a moment, I'm about to win."

"Hey now, don't count me out just yet," Crow huffs.

Since Rean is so focused, Patrick decides to say it.

"I want to date Elise."

Rean's hand stills… then places a card down. "Bolt."

"Dammit! That's unfair, you really had all the bolts in your hand!" Crow sighs, throwing his cards down. "Alright then. You win, you can ask me for any favor you want~"

Rean not so subtly side eyes Patrick.

"Help me hide a dead body."


"Your wish is my command, partner~ In fact, I already know a place to dump the body!"

Rean smiles and it gets Crow feeling things again.

Patrick cries to himself.

It’s stuff like this, Rean’s duality that Crow enjoys seeing. It’s been too much of the kind, responsible gofer these days, he’s actually been missing when Rean takes that no-nonsense attitude.

Ugh, why is he like this?

Rean leaves, satisfied, though doesn’t indulge Crow in his usual bullsh*t. He just goes straight back to his dorm. Crow sighs and turns to Patrick.

“Hey, what makes you think you’re in love with his sister anyway?”

“She’s pretty.”


Patrick blushes. “I have no obligation to explain it to you!”

“Or maybe you can’t think of anything else.” Crow shakes his head. “How shallow, man.”

“Shut up, you! I just— She makes me want to love myself!”

Crow leans away from him. “Sheesh, I didn’t think you could get more self centered…”

“That’s not it, let me finish!” Patrick shouts before he realizes they’re in public. He leans closer and continues in a lower voice. “When you love someone so much, you notice how much you love or don’t love about yourself. Now, I don’t have massive self-loathing issues like a certain someone we both know, but even I can admit that I’m not proud of who I once was—”

“Yeah, you were insufferable.”

“—ANYWAY, meeting Elise made me want to be a better version of myself. She makes me want to be someone that I can love, so that I can feel comfortable with her loving me back. It’s that feeling that you’ve finally connected with yourself, that realization that this person accepts you for who you are and who you want to be… These things improve your life when you were alone. They bring you peace. That’s…” Patrick coughs and realizes he says the most sappiest thing ever. “..Love.”


Crow concludes that love will always evade him.

He can’t love himself. He can’t strive to be better when he has a ticket to Gehenna calling his name. No one will like him once he reveals he’s a terrorist leader.

And, no matter whatever these feelings in his chest are, he’s not going to throw away Osborne’s assassination for something like a crush.

He really f*cked himself over, huh?

Chapter 47 - Unified Chaos

“Drinks are on me! Some day…”

Class VII made Instructor Sara regret those words when they took her up on that offer on the day before their concert to ease their nerves. It was mostly Crow’s idea, saying that they should relax before their big day by “drinking our asses off!”

For obvious reasons, the idea was rejected by Rean, but then Millium reformed the idea into something they could all agree on.

“Let’s party at Heimdallr!”

And so that was how Instructor Sara lost her next paycheck and how the students of Class VII found themselves all dressed nicely as they dined at one of the more expensive restaurants in Heimdallr.

It was a mistake.

“Let me help you with that,” Rean offered, springing up to his legs as he approached a patron cleaning up some food that fell on the floor. He was quickly rewarded with a thankful nod as his arm reached out to lend a hand.

Alisa slumped back in her chair, sighing as she surveyed her classmates. Fie was curled up on her chair like a cat, sleeping until their food was ready. Millium was furiously playing a deadly game of tic-tac-toe on the child’s menu with Elliot, who seemed to be getting demolished in the game if the girl’s cries of victory was any indication. The volume was also rising around Jusis and Machias’ area, no doubt arguing about who sang better during the duet, and it was loud enough to shake the table as much as Laura and Gaius’ current arm wrestle. Meanwhile, Crow was around here somewhere, flirting with some girls and inevitably failing to actually pick them up.

It was a mess, a perfect reflection of the restaurant bill that would surely cause Instructor Sara to force herself to forget by digging into her emergency stash of beer. On the bright side, with all the noise and chaos they were creating, the restaurant staff were most likely trying their hardest to deliver their food so that they could leave early.

“This is less like a celebration and more like the usual dinner at our dorm.” With how all her classmates were all over the place, all distracted in their own little worlds, the idea that they were all able to unite and perfect their concert rehearsal was almost a miracle.

“It’s better this way, don’t you think?” Sitting beside her, Emma softly giggled, closing her book and setting it to the side.

“Well, yeah.” There was no argument there. Alisa did prefer it when everyone just acted like themselves. “But… This is a celebration. I was expecting something a little different from usual, like we would do something more group-oriented…”

“What are you talking about?” Millium exclaimed, a grin plastered on her face despite her confusion. “We’re all eating together! And it’s different this time because we’re eating different food this time!”

“You got me there,” Alisa sighed fondly as she took another glance at all her classmates at the table. Though… she noticed Laura and Gaius’ arm wrestle ended and something was off with the latter’s expression. Turning her attention to her foreign friend, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

Gaius closed his eyes for a moment, taking a long sip out of his glass of water before he replied, “It appears a woman with an unsavory wind around her has set her sights on Rean.”

Fast enough to give whiplash, everyone’s heads snapped in the direction of where their leader was positioned. He was still talking with the stranger who had spilled her food, even taking a seat on the stool beside her to continue the conversation. It seemed like typical Rean behavior: talk with whoever he helped to make sure everything was fine.

It seemed like everything was fine with this picture.

But then…

But then—

The stranger placed a hand on Rean’s knee.

And then Class VII’s table became eerily silent. Eight pairs of eyes were now staring at the stranger’s back, hoping that their piercing gazes were sharp and tangible enough to burn holes into the stranger’s body.

They were no strangers to Rean being hit on. Good-looking, nice personality, will literally die for you; his characteristics were practically irresistible. They were only impeded by Rean's insurmountable obliviousness, an unfortunate result of his low self-esteem. At this point, they were just making bets for the day someone from Thors ( *cough* *cough* Crow ) finally got through his dense skull.

But this stranger was old. Probably twenty years older than the eldest of their group. Too old unless they somehow fell so hopelessly in love with each other that even the universe couldn’t stop them— but they just met.

“Maybe she’s being friendly?” Elliot optimistically suggested, not willing to determine one’s guilt from just a glance.

“Ah yes. I, too, place my hands on people’s knees as a friendly gesture,” came Jusis’ sardonic response as he raised his glass to his lips.

Machias rolled his eyes and sneered. “Like you’re ever friendly.”

“If that’s friendly, then I’d rather not be.”

They continued watching the pair for a few minutes, making small comments here and there about the situation but never intervening because such a minor offense didn’t warrant a head rolling to the ground.

“I wonder what they’re talking about to have a conversation this long,” Alisa hissed, growing more impatient with every tick from her watch while nothing about the situation changed.

“Mmm…” Millium scrunched her eyes, eyebrows deeply creasing her forehead. “Something about the School Festival? I guess the woman is looking forward to seeing it, but it’s kinda hard to lip read at this angle.”

“You can lip read?!”

“Of course! What kind of self respecting spy doesn’t know how to lip read?”

That conversation ended quickly, mostly because this was going to be the most logic they could get out of the girl and because—

The woman’s hand moved up to Rean’s thigh.

The action was outrageous enough for gasps to escape some classmate’s throats. Venomous green eyes from Fie even snapped open to glare at the sight, no longer pretending to be sleeping.

If looks could kill, this woman would die nine times.

“I know he’s oblivious as hell, but I think even he would know something’s up,” Fie commented, triggerhappy fingers reaching for her gunblades.

“W- Well, he does appear agitated now,” Emma pointed out.

True. Behind Rean’s polite smile was a faint twist in his lips, a sign that he was somewhat uncomfortable. That he was faking it. But, no stranger would be able to capture such a subtle difference.

"Ooh!" Millium excitedly whispered. "I think Rean's saying he's going to leave!"

Just as those words left her mouth, the teen did indeed push his chair back and gently shrugged the hand off his knee. His feet planted to the ground as he rose up to stand.

The collective sigh of relief from Class VII was palpable.

But then the woman grabbed his arm, stopping him in place, closing the space between them just a little. If it was just a bit more, Class VII would've sprang to action, weapons blazing.

"I think there's something wrong with me because I see a loooot of red now," Millium calmly admitted with an eerie tone. "I don't know why seeing this makes me feel… I don't know."

Laura softly tapped her fingers along the hilt of her blade. "It's anger. I also have the same feelings, so I don't think you have a problem."

"Or maybe there's just a problem with all of us," Alisa muttered, fingers twitching in a way that was similar to how she usually drew her bow and arrows.

"Well, it makes sense. Rean did help us out a bunch." Emma chuckled nervously, trying to placate the dangerous auras of her classmates. “But I don’t think he’ll appreciate us lynching the woman.”

“The winds would forgive us for such a minor offense, so I’m sure Rean will eventually forgive us, too.”

“I hate to be the voice of reason,” Fie said. “But I don’t think we need to do anything. Look.”

Too focused on the woman, they almost didn’t see Crow break away from all the ladies he was flirting with, making a beeline toward the pair. In one instant, the woman’s hand was only touching air as Crow slung his arm around Rean’s shoulder and started guiding them back to the class’ table.

“And he says he doesn’t have any feelings for Rean,” Jusis huffed. “Fools. Both of them.”

Chapter 48 - The Night Before We Let Go

  • Show Emma is looking for Celine but can't find her
  • Crow doesn’t spend any of his tickets on Rean. He’s surprised that Rean doesn’t seek him out either.
  • When Crow asks Rean to grab the clothes for the concert, he tells him to get someone to help him. Rean doesn’t and Crow catches him, begrudgingly ending up riding with him

During the festival and all the attractions, the whole class tries to get the two of them to do events lmao. Even the upperclassmen help. However, Crow doesn’t spend any of his tickets on Rean. He’s surprised that Rean doesn’t seek him out either.

(Also offhandedly mention that Emma is looking for Celine but can’t find her).

For the dance, Crow is content to just bask in the shadows. He’s surprised this is the moment Rean finally approaches him. He tells him to find a partner. Rean says he just wants to talk with him and leads him into a private area.

Crow dreads this. Though the timing and the behaviors prior are awfully strange.

Being led away from prying eyes and seeing Rean act so anxious to say something, Crow honestly believed his junior was going to confess his feelings for him.

And… well… he was hoping to avoid this. Especially today, considering he was going to ditch his school persona and shoot the chancellor tomorrow.

It sucked so much because Crow really liked Rean. He couldn’t deny it anymore. What started as a small interest in the seemingly only normal guy in Class VII somehow blossomed into a merciless hurricane that pulled him closer every time mirth crossed those lilac eyes, every time smiles tugged onto those tempting lips, and every time snark left that usually polite voice.

Really, it was completely his fault for getting close. If he wasn’t such an idiot, he wouldn’t have been granted the pleasure of meeting a guy who gave him a challenge with each conversation, adventure, and fight. Sometimes he looked forward to hanging out with Rean (and consequently, Class VII and his supposed friends) as much as he looked forward to shooting Osborne.

It was a damned shame. If Crow wasn’t just a simple guy driven by revenge, then maybe he would’ve considered starting an actual relationship.

But it was too late now. He’d hurt and nearly hurt many of his friends and their families, including Rean. He’d never be forgiven. Rean would finally know what a real monster looked like and never think again that he and Crow could even compare.

There was no turning back. He couldn’t stop anymore.

When Rean finally snapped out of his silence and opened his mouth to say whatever words, Crow used the time to decide whether he would say:

“You sure you don’t want to spend this night with a girl you like?” Crow repeated again as he weakly attempted to get out of his grasp. “I’m sure any person you choose would be completely willing to dance with you~”

“I just want to talk to you,” Rean said with a pleasant smile, more to reassure the other than anything else.

Crow knew him well enough that this smile was usually used to hide something, and so a worried frown tugged at his lips. “What’s wrong?” The resistance against Rean’s grip faded away as he quickened his pace and walked side-by-side with the raven to get a better look at his face.

Something about his action made Rean’s posture relax.

Taking a couple steps back, Rean raised his eyes to meet Crow’s. They were determined. Full of fire. Resolution. He’d never seen Rean look so alive.

Rean takes a deep breath in—

This was going to be the worst day of his life.

—And a deep breath out:

“Chancellor Osborne wants to die.”

Chapter 49 - Dangerous Confessions

[Scene 1 - Revelation]

“Can you repeat that?” Crow asked, wondering if he was hallucinating. After all, why would Rean—

“Chancellor Osborne wants to die.”

He apparently did hear right.

And it made no sense at all.

Noun. Verb. Verb. How could such a blunt, simple sentence make no sense?

Slowly, he shifted his eyes and rested his gaze on the face of his junior. Rean looked too peaceful and calm.

“He’s already set up a stage to be killed on. During his speech, he will be out in the open. It would be so easy for anyone to shoot him... It looks like a good opportunity for anyone who hates him...”

No, that was the plan, to get Osborne out in the open to shoot him. Even that bastard couldn’t have thought that far with the whole mess going on domestically and internationally.

But then, why was Rean talking like the plan had been seen through? How did Rean know this? How could Rean act like he could understand Osborne’s actions? If this was true, wouldn’t this information be better told to someone else?

“Why are you telling me this?” was the question he settled for.

Sorrowful lilac eyes locked with his own. Crow was still too shocked to even breathe properly at the moment.

Chuckling nervously, Rean finally spoke. “Because I don’t want you to shoot him tomorrow.” A brief, anxious pause. “I believe that’s your intention. Right, C?”


He couldn’t even find the energy to pretend that those words were wrong. Crow had seen the teen act doubtful about his own answers and actions. His supposed empty heart had always swelled with pride whenever the timid boy acted with confidence. Right now, Rean was resolute with his confrontation, and the terrorist leader couldn’t find it in himself to have that resolve be broken by a lie.

So he acted in accordance with his true self. The jig was up, so why continue pretending?

“How did you find out?” A distant and cold tone leaked into his voice as ruthless crimson eyes pinned the teen in front of him. He had always known it was a bad idea to befriend Towa, Angie, and George. It had been an awful idea to get close to Rean, gain a stupid crush on the idiot, and gain bonds with Class VII. Only complete idiots would create a dream that was inevitably going to be forgotten and lost, and Crow was one of them.

He regretted everything.

It was a day early, but he might as well cut all his ties right now. Even if he wasn’t ready.

He expected Rean to respond with equal seriousness and hostility. Instead, the boy was silent, and his eyes were wide with surprise.

Was he scared? Damn, somehow the thought of his junior fearing him was worse than being hated. But, on a closer look, Crow could see a faint blush—

Rean coughed into his fist and seemingly regained his composure. But the blush didn’t go away. In fact, it only got more intense. “S—Sorry, what did you say? I got a little distracted…”

As if it would be that easy to get distracted during a serious conversation with a terrorist leader who planned to kill someone tomorrow! But here Rean was, doing exactly that.

Stupefied, it took Crow a little longer than he would have liked to realize what exactly Rean was distracted by. At the realization, however, the spell broke.

He no longer felt distant or that his lie—his dream—was broken at this moment. At this moment, he wasn’t C, the terrorist leader with some side-gig as a student. Right now he was just Crow Armbrust, a professional slacker who did some shady stuff on the side, a friend to people somehow crazier than himself, and a guy who maybe wouldn’t mind forsaking blind revenge to stay with the idiot in front of him.

Dear Aidios, it shouldn’t be possible for someone to still have a crush on him while knowing about his secret identity. By now, he should have lost one friend and one heart.

And yet…

And yet—

“Oh, Rean,” Crow smirked and wriggled his eyebrows, the actions came back to him so naturally . All stiffness from his previous shock left him as he swaggered toward his junior, who responded by stepping back. “You couldn’t have possibly been distracted by my hot, charming gaze, could you?”

How can you like me after knowing who I am and what I’ve done?

Rean’s face only grew more red. Whether it was due to embarrassment or Crow’s behavior was unknown. Their eyes locked again before he shifted his eyes to the side. “I… I must admit, you were looking fairly handsome there.”

“How rude. You don’t think I look handsome all the time?” he chuckled playfully before a hint of seriousness was added to his voice. “Don’t you think there might be something wrong with you for still liking me while knowing that I’m evil?”

Immediately, the blush faded and Rean frowned. “I know evil. You aren’t evil.”

I am.

“Planning an assassination attempt on the chancellor sounds pretty evil to me.”

The other was silent for a while, as if he was ruminating over his next words. “You can be a good person and still perform evil actions.” His lips twisted into a bitter smile. “Though I’m rather tired of seeing people like that. I don’t want to see you end up like that.”

Crow chuckled humorlessly, stubbornly putting up a fight he had little energy to participate in. He still had a chance to change his mind again. “You really think I would give up my six year-long revenge campaign just because you said so?”

“No. At the end of the day, the decision is yours to make. I just want you to know that if you shoot the Chancellor tomorrow, in the heart or even the head, he won’t die. War will spark, many will die, and your future will be robbed. All of it will be for nothing.”

Where did the confidence to say such lunacy and ask Crow to believe him come from? Rean was no liar, and he wouldn't accuse anyone of such allegations if his evidence was weak. Whatever he was saying was a truth he firmly believed in.

How else could Rean be certain Crow was C? How else could he know that Osborne would survive the assassination attempt tomorrow?

He had to be part of an intelligence network… And he had to be close with Osborne—

"You're an Ironblood," Crow whispered, breathless.

Solemnly, Rean nodded, and it felt like an anvil just dropped onto his gut. Still, his blood was singing to the thrill and utter horror that he could only focus on the fire burning behind those lilac eyes.

Goddess, he wanted that handsome face to look at him with that passion for a little bit longer—

Crow stopped.

This was not the time for those thoughts!

"I know this is a recipe for us to be sworn enemies, but I want to let you know I haven't told anyone of my discovery. I also won't call anyone to capture you. If, even after hearing everything I have to say, and you still go through your plans, I want to let you know that I won't stop you. In the end, it's your choice… And that choice won't stop Osborne's plans at all."

Crow still couldn’t find any words to say as Rean continued to stare at him with that burning determination. "Objectively speaking, as an Ironblood, I have nothing to gain from stopping you." A blush returned to his cheeks. "But… As your friend… I can't just knowingly let you make a drastic decision without letting you know how futile it is."

Pounding. Pounding. Crow’s heart was pounding furiously. It wasn’t anger or hatred. It wasn’t fear or desperation. It was—

This was—

A million words want to pour out of his soul, but the ones that come out are:

“Can I dance with you?”



Rean’s eyes snapped open in shock. He expected to find the usual playful and joking expression that Crow always wore, but he was met with deep, serious crimson eyes that were only focused on the only person in front of him.

And the first thing he thought of was


Rean was at peace with this whole conversation. He chose this. He chose Crow over his dad. and was jeopardizing his whole future and their whole plan for this. He was fine, but only because he had a whole month to think about it. He even let his dad know in advance.

Crow… was quite literally having his whole world flipped upside down. To learn that his goal would be futile, that his friend was his sworn enemy, that his life meant nothing… How could his response not be an outlash of anger or pure disbelieve, but instead—

“I don’t know if you’re acting oblivious or you just want me to say it.” Crow’s laugh was unusually husky and it made Rean’s heart beat like crazy. “I like you.”


In the back of the dark recesses of his mind, he kind of knew that. Crow was always invading his personal space, trying to make him laugh, and giving him special attention—clear signs of some sort of affection or attraction. However, Rean didn’t want to believe it.

He’d barely just accepted his adoptive family’s love for him.

To hear Crow’s gave him mixed feelings. On one hand, his mouth was smiling from joy because it should’ve been impossible for Crow to return his feelings, and yet they were living in the impossible right now. On the other hand, Rean wasn’t ready to receive more affection and had extreme trouble believing those words.

Settling on making a frown, Rean shifted his eyes away from Crow’s.

“No you don’t. I just revealed to you that I’m an Ironblood. You should hate me, right?”

Crow wasn’t even upset by this response. With a breathless chuckle, he reached his hand out to gently stroke his raven locks of hair. Such an affectionate gesture. One that Rean was weak to.

“I know. I wish I didn’t. It just makes me feel even more insane.” These honest words were as cruel as they were tender. “I already had my whole life planned out: Settle the score with Osborne, clean up my mess, do Vita a favor, and then die and be forgotten like my grandfather. I didn't need stupid feelings to get in the way."

So Crow’s feelings for him were unplanned. Unwanted, in a sense, but uncontrolled.

“Then why are you letting yourself indulge in such feelings?”

Crow chuckled, amused. “Sheesh, what’s with that question? Aren’t you supposed to be trying to convince me to not shoot Osborne because feelings? Man, if you just used your sex appeal to your advantage, I would’ve totally destroyed my sniper by now~”

Lilac eyes glanced back, although embarrassed. “As much as I would love for you to quit being a terrorist, I wouldn’t want you to have regrets because of some silly feelings toward someone like myself. I’ll accept whatever your decision is as long as you have no regrets.”

“Hmm… Let’s just say…” Crow used one of his hands to cup Rean’s chin and slightly raised it up. “I might want to try out this teenage fling as much as I want to kill Osborne. This might be our last day we get the chance. I’d regret it if I didn’t try, right?”

It was more of these feelings that couldn’t be explained. Feelings that he could barely accept.

But… Rean truly wanted this, too. He didn’t want either one of them to regret anything, so he could let himself accept this.

His heart beat faster and faster as Crow’s face came up to his own, still pinned by an intense, crimson gaze. Though, he still squeezed his eyes shut, body tensing at the idea of being on the receiving end of affection.

This was going to be a big leap out of his comfort zone.

"I—I don't know what I'm doing…"

Crow smirked. "Yeah, me neither. Especially with this whole romance thing—I just copied something I saw in Dorothea's BL novel.”

"You're ruining the mood," Rean opened his eyes and sighed in exasperation, feeling his body melt a little as Crow grabbed his hand and reached for his hip. He was just a bit comforted by the fact that even though they revealed they liked each other, they were still the same.

To the music, they swayed.

"Heh, when do I not ruin the mood? I'm trying to convince you that maybe I'm not as appealing as you thought."

And swayed.

“I’m trying my hardest to change your mind. You’re trying you hardest to change my mind. What a bunch of idiots we are. We might just get nowhere if we keep dancing around the topic.”

“The push and pull is what makes this fun though. But, you’re right. We should just move forward and figure out what to do afterwards.”

Rean’s eyes snapped open in shock as his feet no longer moved to the rhythm of the song. He expected to find the usual playful and joking expression that Crow always wore, but he was met with deep, serious crimson eyes that were only focused on the dance partner in front of him.

“Can I kiss you?”

Struck by that soul-piercing gaze, he didn’t realize he was maneuvered to a tree until he felt his back press against the base of one. Cautiously watching Crow place a hand flat against the tree, beside his head, Rean couldn’t help but tense up with bated breaths as he tried to find the words to say.

He couldn’t find any. Just feelings that couldn’t be explained.

So he moved forward.

Crow moved his hand from Rean’s waist to clutch at raven locks of hair, gently tilting his head to the right. Not long after, he closed the distance between them, pressing his lips to Rean’s.

So, this was what a real kiss was like. A kiss not borne out of spite or accidents, but of…

Rean didn’t really know what he was feeling. Logically, he knew that Crow was just putting pressure on his lips but it felt strange… A rush of helplessness was flowing through his veins, leaving behind a trail of warmth that was making him feel boneless. He let the arms circling around his waist push their bodies closer as he was kissed again by impossibly soft lips and tickled by Crow’s gentle breath beneath his nose.

Then, he felt a nibble—

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Rean's face was still hopelessly flustered as he hushed Crow with a chaste kiss on the cheek. After a couple of seconds, he retreated, and raised his hand to rub the back of his head. “Maybe, if ‘Crow Armbrust’ and ‘Rean Schwarzer’ aren’t consumed by their secret identities tomorrow morning, then we can do more. But tonight, I don't want to influence your decision any more than I might have so far…”

Crow forced himself to chuckle, to pretend he wasn't affected. "Damn Rean, you're so cruel. Are you seriously going to leave me like this, craving for more?"

"O- Oh." Red was always a good look on Rean, but Crow thought this shade of red on his face was probably the best look on him. "Then should we—?"

“I’m just kidding,” Crow laughed, rubbing Rean’s head, trying to pretend his heart wasn’t about to explode from his chest. “You’re right. We should think about our choices tonight. We gotta make sure our tomorrows aren’t something we regret, yeah?”

Rean smiles with a nod. “Yeah.”

[Scene 2 - Vision]

The skies were clear. The sun was shining. This was a beautiful morning.

All ruined by Osborne’s harsh voice echoing through all the speakers and radios in the city of Heimdallr. Oh well, Crow was a patient person. He set up his sniper, gazed through the scope with an eerie calm as Osborne’s chest was dead center of his shot.

This was his choice.

This was his future.

This was what he wanted.

“ deliver unto Crossbell a swift response to their impudence, and to form a bulward against the threat from the East—”

“Go finish your speech in hell.”

— BANG —

[Scene 3 - Rebellion]

Crow wakes up, mildly annoyed that his dream was just a dream. Now he has to do all that again, oh just let this hell end already.

He changes his clothes, grabs a bunch of things, and opens his door to leave. The meeting with the ILF was soon. At the same time, he sees the door directly across slowly open, showing his junior, fully clothed in an outfit that isn’t a red Thors uniform or his casual clothes.

Was it strange that his first thought was that Rean was leaving him, just like everyone else, even though he had every intention of leaving too?

“So is this your answer, Rean? Or do you go by a different name now?” Crow asked.

Rean closed his eyes, taking a couple of deep breaths. After what seemed like forever, he opened his eyes, revealing the same bright, determined lilacs from last night.

His breath was stolen away. Crow would never get used to seeing this guy, who used to be so full of self-loathing and uncertainty, harden his resolve and free himself from doubt.

“My name is Rean Schwarzer, a proud member of Class VII. So yes, I would like you to keep calling me that. As for my answer…”

He stepped forward and grabbed Crow’s wrist, making his palm face upward. He placed his other hand on top of Crow’s and a familiar, cold weight was pressed against his skin.

“I’ll be gone for a few hours, but I’ll be coming back. To see your trick, and...”

A blush overcame Rean’s features as he withdrew his hand, revealing a single 50 mira coin in Crow’s palm.

“... to collect you.”

“Even if I decide to be C?”

Even if I show you what a real monster I am?

“No matter who you act like, I will get you. All of you.” He cracked a gentle smile. "Because I want you in my life."

Crow let out an exasperated sigh. "How can you say that with a strai—"

He cut off his voice at the feeling of two hands grabbing his shoulders. Before he could process what was happening, a gentle warmth was pressed against his lips.

“Well, you taught me how to be selfish.”

Just as he could even think about kissing back, Rean pulled back, blushing madly, before he turned around and quickly walked toward the stairs.

Crow sighed, watching the fleeting back of his junior disappear down the stairs.

This feeling…

The safety… The warmth.

These were addicting feelings.

These feelings were strong enough to make him act like an idiot.

Was it true then?

Had he fallen in love?

There was no other reason why he was thinking about making the dumbest decision of his life and throwing away six years of work for a dumb impulse. What was it that Patrick said again? That love made you want to be a better person? So dumb…




Oh well.

There were worse things than love that he could gamble on.




Letting out another sigh, his legs raced down the stairs until he caught up to his junior, their bags bumping into each other. Weaving their fingers together and seeing those beautiful lilac eyes widen at him in surprise, Crow smirked.

“Hey, Rean, call me Crow Armbrust."

He didn't even run that far and yet he was breathless, feeling like he just closed an infinite gap between them. This was really happening.

He was really doing this.

"I'm the resident slacker of Class VII. Wanna walk together to the station?”

Out of all the smiles Rean made since school started, Crow was willing to bet that the one he was making at this moment was the brightest one yet. Somehow the sight of it eased all of his conflicting feelings about this decisive moment. It felt like everything was somehow going to be alright as long as they were together.

Oh, he couldn’t stop himself from claiming those lips again, grinning when the kiss was enthusiastically reciprocated.



Crow was an idiot.

He was hopelessly in love with Rean Schwarzer.

Chapter 50 - Becoming the Mask

[Scene 1 - Quitting Destiny]

  • Basically, it starts with Crow’s perspective. He quits the ILF
    • “No one’s been a full time terrorist! You’ve all still got lives you can return to! Or, if you don’t, get a life!”
    • He doesn’t actually expect the ILF to fall apart even with him gone. They’d come too far, he doubted that any would stop now.
    • Also talks with Vita about future plans. Vita doesn’t know if she should be frustrated or bemused.
  • After this he goes to school.
    • He’s waiting for Rean. He considers calling him but doesn’t want to interrupt if Rean happens to be in a conversation. People ask him where he is and what happened last night (everyone saw them leaving together).
    • He talks about their plan to tell Class VII about who he is. He doubts he’ll have a warm reception but Rean will be with him every step of the way.

[Scene 2 - Changing the Future]

Rean goes to Heimdallr to watch the speech. He needed this because he knew he wouldn't be able to see or hear his dad again until whenever the upcoming war would end.

Just before Osborne finishes the speech, a hand grabs Rean’s shoulder. “Rean Schwarzer?” asks the owner of the appendage. Rean eyes the person warily. He feels like he’s met this person before. (It's Gideon or Vulcan. Or maybe just a jaeger). “You’re coming with me.”

A gunshot echoes through the plaza, though the sound is too close. His ears are ringing.

His stomach is screaming.

His hands reach down, trembling when they pull away with blood on them. He stares defiantly at his attackers.

Another gunshot echoes through the plaza.

[Scene 3 - Departure of Fate]

Switches back to Crow’s POV. He’s with the rest of the class as they watch the broadcast. Crow ignores how Millium is eyeing him in confusion.

When they hear a gunshot, everyone but those two are shocked. Crow is more disappointed that the gunshot completely missed Osborne. Like come on, he personally trained some people in the ILF how to snipe and this is the best they could do? He felt the urge to break his promise to Rean just to show them how it was done.

Not even a few seconds later, another shot rang through the speakers and it appears to have actually hit Osborne this time. “Good riddance” Crow thinks but doesn’t feel victorious because he remembers what Rean told him.

Elliot is notably more alarmed and dreadful than anyone else.

(Crow notes that he and Rean planned to reveal their identities to the class once they got back together.)

Then begins the Battle of Trista. When soldats come, he watches Class VII try to fight it by themselves. He secretly changes as C and summons Ordine. Surprises everyone by fighting by their side. He has a ton of experience, so it’s an easy win for him.

The Courageous appears. Everyone escapes to it, even Crow. He makes sure they’re all not injured before he tries to leave. He doesn’t want to deal with this sh*tshow all by himself, no thank you!

Since the Old Schoolhouse Incident, Emma has been clawing her way for clues on how he's connected with Vita and the fact that she remembers him wielding a double saber. So, she realizes who he is.


“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you” - William Arthur Ward

Nameless' Code - Chapter 28 - Emptied_Sky - 英雄伝説 閃の軌跡 | Sen no Kiseki (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.