Kentucky New Era from Hopkinsville, Kentucky (2024)

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Kentucky New Erai

Hopkinsville, Kentucky

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1 111 Irons 5 a in Until Sundown WKOA 1480 ON YOUR DIAL DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY TRcutudiij (Era Price ive Cents HOPKINSVILLE KENTUCKY SATURDAY ATERNOON NOVEMBER 20 1954 Established 1869 The Weather Cooler tonight and Sunday low tonight near 35 degrees cloudy high tomorrow near 55 VOL NO 5 jWr raid the city this (New Era photo) Censure Case Two New Plants Add To Defense not Russia To Set Denies Charges Se turned viuaaui: lUl uiuer uie guess but I cant say that it was youth emphasis Christian stew the serum scrum So in that Me LATE BULLETIN Taipch ormosa Nov 20 41 Chinese Nationalists and Commu nist warplanes traded air blows today in the area of the Tachen Islands Nationalist outposts 200 miles north of ormosa i Three lied bombers escorted by lighters dropped three bombs on the Pisha Island in the southwest Tachens wounding two persons the Defense Ministry reported The planes escaped under fierce antiaircralt fire the min istry said Earlier Nationalist warplanes bombed and strafed Qommunisl gun positions on Toumen Island1 Red outpost 14 miles northwest of the Tachens in patrolmen rank More issionable Material To Be Ready By ESCAR THOMPSON Oak Ridge Tenn Nov 20 41 The government is nearing com pletion of two huge atomic plants which already have greatly in creased the production of fissionable U235 for atomic and hydrogen weapons The two plants costing nearly one billion dollars are additions to existing installations here and at Paducah Ky A third facility now under construction near Portsmouth Ohio will add sub stantially to our U235 output The three installations produce U235 by what is called the gase ous defusion process This is a method of separating fissionable U235 from natural uranium The Atomic Energy Commis sion declined comment on prog ress of the three pronged con struction program but it was learned reliably today that the Oak Ridge and Paducah facilities are in their final building stages The Portsmouth plant was proj ected two years ago as a 4 year job An authoritative source said the plants include a vast amount of information gleaned from op eration of the original U235 facil ity here which began production in ebruary 1945 When the program was ap proved by Congress in July 1952 the then chairman of the AEC Gordon II Dean said: purpose of this expan sion program is to gain precious time by achieving minimum stock pile objectives established by the Department of Defense and to achieve them about 412 years earlier than we would achieve them if we went at our present Dean told Congress time was a key factor in developing a fam ily of atomic weapons for use by the armed services The government now has more than a billion dollars invested in the gaseous diffusion facility here It is a sprawling plant cov ering hundreds of acres When completed it wull con sume 16 billion kilowatt hours of electricity a year The entire state of Tennessee exclusive of Oak Ridge used 11 billion kwh in Back Page Col 2 Priest is accused of picking up the girl near her home while she was wailing for her mother Buie said the abductor was seen at a tourist court at Irving Tex He said a girl identified by the proprietor Mrs Mildred Page as Jeannette was with him Bloodstains and one of the child's earrings were found in the cabin according to Buie Buie of the ort Worth Sheriff's Criminal Investigation Division said Priest insists he can't remember details about the trip from Texas and has denied know ing anything about the girl's disappearance Buie said Priest voluntarily agreed to take a truth test last night but the had little effect The search for the girl to Missouri Buie said because of a report that a man who register ed as Priest and checked in nt a Baxter Springs Kam tour ist court at 4 pm Wednesday Buie reported the tourist court 15 Kentuckians Are Surgeon College Men Atlantic City Nov 20 (41 ifteen Kentuckians were induct ed last night as new fellows of the American College of Sur geons Named as the closed a five day clinical congress: Henry Collier William Durham Albert Leggett Jr Condict Moore and John Wee ter all of Louisville Merle owler Burton Haley Harold Priddle and Keith Sloan all of Paducah James Hollo way Jr James Smith and Wil liam Swartz of Lexington Conie Lowry and Kennety Ross of Murray and March Rearson of Covington A friend of Sen Mundt (R SD) likewise indicatedin a separate interview lie ex pects tlie sensure isMie to crop up in the next Congress if this one act But he predict ed a vote within a week or 10 days after the Senate reconvenes a week from Monday think from McCarthy's viewpoint he would be glad to get it washed Mundt said it it will just be reactiv ated at the next Sen Watkins (R Utah) chair man of the special six member committee which recommended censure said he specu late'' on whether the censure re solution would be reintroduced in the next Congress if the Sen ate failed to act on it before ad journment think the Senate will get to a Watkins said Witli McCarthy hospitalized for the treatment of an injured el bow the Senate voted 76 to 2 Thursday to recess its temper fraying debate on the censure issue until Nov 29 The session began Nov 8 Morning Raid Produces 5V1 Gallons Of Illegal Whiskey In City Home Robert Barber 56 year old color ed resident of North Clay Street was being held by local authori ties today on an illegal whiskey charge that grew out of a raid at home this morning Six city policemen and one county official participated in the 9:30 raid that produced approxi mately gallons of whiskey Officers said the spirits was found in a trunk type locker in the rear of two room house raid was led by Police Chief Russell Greenwell after the officer had obtained a search war rant from court officials ive full one gallon jugs and two other partially filled containers of the same size were found in the locker Chief Greenwell indicated that the case would be turned over to federal authorities Meantime Barrier is being held on a posses sion of illegal whiskey charge Bona was iixed at $500 and executed immediately Washington Nov 20 (41 Sen Knowland (R Calif) said today the United States not per Nationalist held islands off the China coast to fall to the Communists lest this open the way for a Red assault on or mosa Knowland the Senate Republi can leader spoke out in an inter view after the official Chinese Nationalist News Agency report ed yesterday the Reds have mov ed a paratroop division into posi tion for possible attack against Nationalist outposts off the coast The Californian said he does not believe this country can brook any Communist advance in the Pacific should continue to give logistic support for Quemoy and the other he saif it it should develop that the Com munists are mounting a major effort to move out into the Pa cific and seize these outposts for an assault on ormosa we must not permit them to fall movement of the Com munists out into the Pacific would not be to the advantage of our interests Theoretically of course the loss of the island of Quemoy and the Tachens would not necessarily be a fatal blow to ormosa the psychological advan tage the Communists would gain all over the world would be tre Knowland said he felt that if the Chinese Communists were aware this country would fight to defend the offshore islands they probably would not attack President Eisenhower and Sec retary of State Dulles while mak ing plain it is administration poli cy to fight in defense if necessary have not been clear on this point as regards the off shore islands The matter report edly has been the subject of some argument within the administra tion The GOP Senate leader said there has been suggestions he say from where that the Nationalists withdraw from the smaller islands to consolidate their forces on ormosa May Reassign Plants It is assumed that some areas in addition to Washington have been hit by the enemy The Of fice of Defense Mobilization for instance will have the problem of reassigning defense produc tion to undamaged plants The Post Office will work on divert ing mail from bombed out areas to the cities to which evacuees have fled the Civil Service Com mission will begin assembling data on employees who are un hurt and are available for assign ment to war time duties and so on The operators of hotels and oth Continued Back Page Col 7 Mount Vernon Mo Nov 20 (41 The search for missing 11 year old Jeannette Earnest who was kidnaped in ort Worth Tex Tuesday and who officers fear has bi en killed turned to the area along Highway 66 across Missouri today The girl's uncle Thurman Priest 48 Grand Prairie Tex was arrested at a tourist court here Wednesday night and has been charged with kidnaping the gui 3 Under Arrest or Counterfeit Charges Washington Nov 20 4'i met Service agents riday night arrested two men and a woman who they said had printed $250 000 in counterfeit $100 bills The trio seized in a Washing ton hotel were charged wth pos sessing and passing bogus bills which the Secret Service des cribed as Baughman chief of the Secret Service identified those arrested as: armer Timinas 28 Miami an employe of a Miami printing plant William I Gardner 31 of Opa Locka la an auto salesman Joan St Clair 39 of Miami Home Repair Cases Submitted To BI Washington Nov 20 (41 Sev eral hundred cases involving pos sible abuse of the multimillion dollar home repair program have been referred to the BI for investigation Norman Mason federal hous ing commissioner also reported riday that 983 dealers and sales men have been posted on a list The roster de scribed as not a blacklist con tains names which have popped up in housing investigations and is put out for the information of lenders Methodist Leaders To Attend Convention Dr John Baggett Alumni Avenue superintendent of the Hopkinsville Methodist district will attend the national Method ist District con ference Nov 22 24 at the Palmer House in Chicago More than 700 top leaders of The Methodist Church will attend the conference held every four years Included in the number will be 570 district superintend ents 50 bishops and executives and si aft members of the general boards and agencies of the church Bishop William Watkins Louisville head of The Methodist Church in Kentucky and Western Tennessee will attend the con ference and a meeting to be held immediately before the confer ence al the same hotel Purpose of the conference is to accomplishments during 1 kz ft 4 imu ivu yuuia aim iu cail vass opportunities for service ci ur ging the remaining time before i Iw 1 Cnnnral zf the church Principal speakers will include Dr Norman Cousins New York editor of the Saturday Review Dr Walter VanKirk New York executive director of the Nation I al Council of depart linent of international justice and goouwni ana ur rreuncK Nolde an executive of the World Council of Churches Several bishops will be on the program The conference will accent The Methodist Church's current Crusade for World Order the Mock light Carried Out rom Washington Ike Cabinet Included By STERLING GREEN Washington Nov 20 Near ly 2000 key federal employes in mock flight from an atomic raid on the capital today the government from 30 emergency headquarters sites within a 300 mile radius of Wash ington President Eisenhower stayed on the job at the White House but arranged to take part in the drill by communicating with some pf the emergency offices from an underground bomb shelter All 10 Cabinet departments and a score of other agencies were putting in a six hour day at se cret rendezvous points in at least four nearby states in a test of the of under enemy attack Emergency Sites All but one of the agencies the exception was not named have picked out emergency sites from which they will operate if and when orders arrive to evac uate Wishingtan All but one have cached away important rec ords at or near the rendezvous site in a repository unlikely to be a target for enemy bombers The departments have been giv en to understand that the reloca tion if once ordered is for the duration of an emergency The sites are resort towns col leges and communities which have unoccupied federal build ings in Maryland Virginia West Virginia and North Carolina and possibly elsewhere All arc within 80 miles to the west and north of Washington and 300 miles to the south In test each jagency is called on to deal with specific problems which would arise un der conditions of attack or threat ened attack The Question What is your favorite dish your mother used to prepare? The Answers: Mrs Dmitfbis Adams? exactly a dish but she ean make 1rui nneiikennl I aoi vuv uvuv Vi'IHUlLtl'l IJHVC VVUl n'llnn' 1 unch 1 I zl vuieu mon i LULUU UH 13 1) 1 1 it juiyujuiiu u'iiiuiiiis vnoeo ate piu iws always uecu my iivoriie i No 1 don't believe my wife can) quite come up to her equal Mrs Eston Glover: Her graham gracker ice box pie is delicious Oh no mine doesn't ever taste the same Mrs Bud Tatum: It was fried ham with red gravy hot biscuits I used to always look forward to having that when I went back home for a visit after I married Waid Snead: ried chicken I ONE JUG APIECE These seven officers participated in a morning that produced some 5 gallons of the illegal spirits rom left are Dudas Jim Johnson Owen Chilton Ralph Lyon Chief Russell Greenwell Deputy Sheriff George nans ana sgt vernon uniiy any better than that my wile pre arship evangelism and I church's world mission Uncle ChargedWith Kidnaping Niece 11 Child Being Hunted operator who saw only the man said he asked to be called at 10 am but the cabin was vacated by 6 am Kansas officers reported the bed showed two persons had occupied it Baxter Springs is in southeast Kansas I Buie said Priest checked in alone at a tourist court in Stan ton Mo about 50 miles from St Louis at 3 pm that day Priest appeared here in southwest Mis souri at 7 pm Wednesday and called bis wife about an hour later She notified officers and his arrest followed a Sheriff Vernon Smith of Mount Vernon said some of text books were found in Priest's Senator Urges Action To May Come Later Next Congress Hinted As Time or Voting Washington Nov 20 (fli Sen Muie (Ind Ore) said today that a resolution to censure Sen Mc Carthy Wis) would be reoffer ed in the next Congress if necess ary but that American peo ple are going to demand a by the present Senate issue in a sense is out of the hands of tlie Morse said in an interview people arc demanding that the members of the Senate stand up and be before the Dec 24 adjournment deadline prev iously set by Congress Morse who bolted the Republi can parly during the 1952 presi dential campaign is one of the three senators who filed 46 charges considered by a special mpartisan Senate committee unanimously recommended Carthy be censured A friend of 2000 Employes Operating' US Stop Red China Red Assault Against ormosa Might Result rom Chinese Actions Security Plan London Nov 20 LR The viet Union has given strong dications recently she is planning to set up an East European se curity system in answer to tlie West's North Atlantic Treaty Or ganization It is believed that Marshals George Zhukov Vasily Sokolov sky and Konstantin Rokossovsky all Soviet World War II heroes are now working out details of the new alliance They also are expected to play leading roles in the military organization The Soviet Union and its satel lites have signed mutual assist ance treaties and trade accords But as far as is known Red East Europe has no formal interlock ing military alliance placing war resources under a single com mand British officials say Moscow's current propaganda line is prac tically spelling out the Krem lin's plans which they believe will materialize at a conference Nov 29 In a note to European nations and the United States last week the Soviets suggested an interna tional conference on that date to discuss European securityMost Western Powers already have indicated they will turn down the bid The United States Britain and rance say they will not enter direct talks with the So viets until the Paris agreements on tlie freeing and rearming of West Germany have been ratified by the parliaments of the signa tory nations Soviet satellite states however are falling into line To date Po land Czechoslovakia Romania Bulgaria Albania East Germany and Hungary have approved the idea and declared their readiness to participate in a European se curity system Kegime in Kaia pt NQUIRINC REPORTER US rance Study Plan To Stop Red Threat To ree Area Of Indochina AAoving Out Of Town rench Premier Holds Sessions With Dylles Leads Reported In Probe Of Explosion At Market On rance's Problems By EDMOND LEBRETON Washington Nov 20 Reports that the Communists have assembled three new di could to the (visions in North Viet Nam Investigators working on the in the partial destruction of IHLLUblVti DI (JUL UL Llie ItXDlOSlon I TYJSr kPt hili Hina 1 rench American talks rench Premier Mendes rance and Secretary of State Dulles held a lengthy huddle on the matter yesterday au toritative informants said but so far there has been no official hint on how the two nations propose to meet the reported new threat The communique also was watched for any indications of how close Mendes rance and Dulles came to agreement during face to face talks this week on Indochina European and North African problems Three Day Review A final Dulles Mendes rance meeting on and was set for this morning before the rench scheduled air de parture for New York Mendes rance and Dulles met yesterday afternoon virtually finishing their three day review of 22 topics ranging around the globe Among other things the report ed creation of three new Viet minh divisions and movement of heavy military gear into Red held North Viet Nam in violation of cussing what other type of ex plosive might have been used A new development today is the finding of a 27 Vi volt battery of the type used in radios in a ditch near the damaged building It is believed this battery might have been used to set off the explosion after the explosive have been wired for the blast The bat tery was found discarded be tween the market building and adjacent Thoni service station Previously about seven feet of wires of the type used in electric detonations had been picked up at the scene Officers said the force of the explosion would have been sufficient to break the wire It was also learned today that the explosion damage was not limited to the uncompleted Drury building Noble Hall Sr owner of the uniture Mart building next door said five cracks have been found in his building since the blast Mr Hall said no definite esti mate has been made on the dam mage to the furniture building Continued Back Page CoL 2 Clarksville Pike appeared en tjief that dynamite was used at 1 couraged today by the results of the northeast corner of the build the first two probing of the ing in the 11:30 pm blast Wednesday night blast i Investigators were coy in dis Vi 1 ft ftf T)ft 1 i ft ft 1 1 ftl I 1 a well said this morning have numerous leads and we intend to follow them Meanwhile the amount of re ward being offered for informa tion leading to the arrest and con viction of whoever was respon sible for the explosion climbed of ficially to $1000 Christian Coun ty today posted $500 the same amount posted by the city yes terday The reward was announced by County Judge James Higgins The policy chief said the in vestigation at the actual site of the explosion has been completed The probe is now moving out of town ne added The latter statement have referred somewhat fact that pieces of concrete blocks and splinters of wood pick ed up at the blast site are being shipped to the ederal Bureau of Investigation laboratory at Washington for processing One purpose of the processing is to seek to determine exactly what type of explosive was used UULL1 inptr lAPticnr irneh i nnrf ns piUML VI U1V AJMUMUU i III fllKt DUHCUng in the past 24 hvjh Mil a at the unfinished Drury Brothers hours there has been a reported communique to be issued to supermarket building on the away from the original be day at the dose of tOD level Clarksville Pike anoeared en liof that Hvnamtu Army To Review Court Martial Lieutenont Charged With Mistreating GIs Augusta Ga Nov 20 UP! Sec ond Lt Charles Anderson may spend up to a year in the Army while the courts review his sen tence of dismissal for mistreat ing trainees at Camp Gordon The conviction and sentencing and the order to forfeit all allow ances are subject to automatic review by Brig Gen rancis Howard Camp Gordon command er and convening authority of the court The decisions Jlso are subject to review by the judge advocate general of the Army the Court of Military Appeals and the sec retary of the Army Any disapproval along the line of review could restore the slim 24 year old Korean combat vet eran and native of St Louis to duty Authorities estimate the re views and possible appeals may take up to a year Meanwhile Anderson will re main at Camp Gordon some useful pending the out come Anderson show any emo tion when he heard the verdict and sentence at the end of a four day trial but he told news men afterwards that Army authorities pointed out dismissal of an officer was equiv alent to the dishonorable dis charge of an enlisted man and said Anderson also could have been sentenced to six years and four months at hard labor The court of two colonels four lieutenant colonels four majors and a captain convicted Ander son on 11 specifications and ac quitted him on six under Articles 93 133 and 134 of the Uniform Military Code Anderson was convicted on these charges Article 93 maltreatment of per sonnel: Ordering Pvt Jesse A Wyatt 18 Bessemer Ala bung by the ankles from a tree order ing dirt thrown on the prostrate body of Pvt Rodney Steele 24 Montgomery Ala and causing a wooden cross to be placed in his mouth ordering Steele to take a sand bath ordering Steele to climb a tree and shout an ob scene phrase: forcing Pvt Paul erguson 17 Coatesville Pa to take a sand bath ordering erguson to climb a tree and shout obscene phrases Article 133 conduct unbecom ing an officer: Ordering Wyatt hung by the ankles from a tree ordering dirt thrown on body and a wooden cross placed in his mouth ordering Steele to climb a tree and shout an ob scene jihrase 4 Persons Hurt In Todd Wreck Guthrie Residents In Clarksville Hospital our persons were hurt at least one of them seriously in a traffic accident occurring at tlie intersection of US Highway 79 and Kentucky 181 in Todd County near Guthrie about 7:30 last night the Geneva peace agreement was said to have been discussed by the rench and American dip lomats The three new divisions would boost the Victminh total to 11 Two of the new units were said to be armored This new development it was said raises the possibility of new offensive intentions by the Reds either through direct military moves or threatened action aimed at bringing pressure to bear against non Communist South Viet Nani Dulles and Mendcs rance were understood to have agreed in large part on political and mili tary steps to deal with the situa tion Two young residents of the Guthrie community are in the i hospital at Clarksville today Two otner persons reportedly soldiers from ort Campbell are confined i to the Logan County Hospital at Russellville 1 Scene of the accident is ap proximately 25 miles south of Hopkinsville on the federal high 1 way which connects Clarksville i and Russellville Described as the most seriously injured is Miss Evie Lois Atkins 24 year old resident of Route 1 out of Guthrie Reports from) Clarksville said Miss in juries include shoulder and arm injuries and a bad cut on the face and said she may have tot remain at the hospital for some! time Agricultural Reform The political steps reportedly included ways and means of de veloping an effective anti Com munist government in South Viet Nam and agricultural reform The military measures involve use of available military equip ment in the south to train and arm units of a native anti Com munist army The extent to which a 342 man US Military mission in South Viet Nam would participate in or direct the training program lias not been fully resolved inform ants said It is regai ded apparent ly as a delicate question The bulk of the conference time was understood to have been devoted to ar East problems al The girl was in a 1941 Chevrolet) though the rench and American operated by 18 year old James leaders were reported to have Vcrtner Arms of Guthrie who I talked about troubles was also taken to the Clarksville with North Africa Nationalists hospital for treatment last nightiand about ranco German rela His injuries are not reported tions particularly in relation' to serious the dispute over 'the coal rich State police investigating the Saar land crash still do not have the names of the other two injured ner sons who were in another auto mobile a 1946 Chevrolet at the time of the collision The police report indicated tlie newer Chevrolet was driving on US 79 in the direction of Rus sellville car was reportedly Back Page Col 6 2 Escaped Prisoners Held At Clarksville Clarksville Tenn Nov 20 (41 Curt and George Collins brothers who escaped from the Murray Ky jail Thursday were held here today for Kentucky authorities Montgomery County Sheriff Lee Wood said Curt 17 surrend ered to the office early today George 23 was taken into custody last night while check ing a bus schedule here sheriff said the two men waived extradition and will be re turned to Murray where they await trial in ebruary on a charge of armed assault with in tent to rob The brothers escaped the Mur ray jail by sawing the iron bars and sliding to the ground from the third floor cell by means of a blanket rone Cooler Weather May Be Expected Locally Cooler weather is forecast for tonight and Sunday with the low temperature ranging near 35 to night Cloudiness may be expect ed and the high temperature Sun day is predicted near 55 degrees The temperature rose to a high of 69 degrees riday and drop ped to 42 last night the local ob server reported today A 4 Annual Meeting Set or Monday Night AV Stinnett 4 11 Club leader from Hopkins County will be the guest speaker Mon day night at 6:30 at the Chris tian County 4 Club Associa tion annual meeting The session will be at the assembly room of the Christian County arm Bureau West Ninth Street A record atten dance of the club members of the county is expected The an nouncemi nt of the meeting was made by Mrs Geneva S' Giles associate home demonstration agent Harold Gooding as sistant county agent.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.