General Hospital Daily Recaps (Thursday, May 30, 2024) (2024)

Maxie arrived home and found Felicia, Georgie, and James huddled around Spinelli as he successfully fixed James's laptop. Maxie was forced to clear her throat to get everyone's attention. Apologetic, Felicia explained that they'd been engrossed with Spinelli's computer "wizardry." Spinelli smiled at Maxie, but the conversation quickly took an unexpected turn when both Georgie and James admitted that they wanted Spinelli to move back in. Felicia tactfully offered to take the kids to get ice cream, which Georgie acknowledged was an excuse to give Maxie and Spinelli privacy to talk.

After Felicia and the kids left, Maxie told Spinelli that she was glad they had a chance to talk because she had missed him and wanted him to move back in. She admitted that she had overreacted when she had kicked him out, but Spinelli surprised her by declining. He explained that he loved her, but he wanted to be more than roommates. Maxie assured Spinelli that she felt the same, but she wasn't ready to share a bedroom with him. She wanted to take things slow because they had the children to consider. Spinelli admitted that he had waited years to be with Maxie, so he could wait for as long as was needed.

Maxie smiled with joy when Spinelli agreed to move into the guest room. As they shared a kiss, Felicia and the children returned with ice cream, including Spinelli's favorite flavor. Spinelli and Maxie shared the news that he would be moving in. Georgie and James whooped with excitement and hugged Spinelli and Maxie. Smiling, Felicia gave Maxie a thumbs-up.

At the gatehouse, Willow was excited that Drew had an opportunity to take Congressman McConkey's seat -- with the congressman's support. "Aren't you excited?" Willow enthusiastically asked. Drew smiled. He admitted that it felt a bit like a rush and "kind of crazy." He conceded that it was an honor, but he wondered why Willow believed that he could do the job.

Willow explained that Drew had "single-handedly" changed the course of her life and the lives of her family. She insisted that he had risked his life for her, and she believed that he genuinely cared about people. Willow asked him to think about the possibilities if he had more resources on a wider scale and a bigger stage. Just then, Michael arrived home. After Willow and Drew shared the news about Drew's possible political career, Drew asked for Michael's honest opinion.

Michael admitted that he didn't think it would be a good time for Drew to split his focus between politics and business because the new wellness division was about to launch. Michael praised Curtis as the right choice to head the division, but Curtis lacked experience and needed Drew's guidance. Drew was confident that Curtis would catch on quickly, especially with Michael's help. Michael reminded Drew that -- if elected -- Drew would have to put his company stock into a trust, and the SEC would watch closely. After listing a few other reasons not to run for office, Michael concluded that Drew would have more to lose than to win.

"I couldn't disagree more," Willow said. She insisted that people were tired of politics, but McConkey was one of the few people who listened. She believed that Drew would be perfect for the position because he had similar qualities and was a decorated war hero with a strong character. Willow was certain that Drew could withstand bad press from the opposition, and she believed his wealth was proof that he wouldn't have any special interest groups pulling strings behind the scenes. Drew and Michael smiled at her impassioned speech. Willow assured Michael that he was perfectly capable of running Aurora Media because Drew had more important things to do by contributing to the functionality of the government.

Michael admitted that Willow had changed his mind. Drew confessed that she had convinced him to run for office, but he would need both Michael and Willow's help. "We're all in, Congressman Cain," Willow said with a bright smile.

At Bobbie's, Molly chatted with Dante at the counter while she waited for her coffee to go. Dante was guarded when Molly mentioned hearing that the wedding had been eventful, but she hadn't had a chance to talk to Kristina. Molly explained that she'd been busy with work and getting ready for the baby. Meanwhile, Dex entered. Molly collected her coffee and passed Dex. She was surprised when she noticed his bruised face, but she didn't say anything as she walked out.

In the courtyard, Molly ran into Blaze. After they exchanged greetings, Molly asked if Blaze had seen Kristina. Blaze revealed that she'd dropped Kristina off at Alexis' house. Molly was happy to hear it because she was headed to her mother's after a quick stop at the courthouse. When Blaze invited Molly and T.J. to hang out with her and Kristina, Molly readily agreed. "Maybe we can all talk about what went down at the eventful wedding," Molly said in a lighthearted tone.

Blaze misread things and assured Molly not to worry because Kristina was still fragile but in a better place. Blaze realized her mistake when Molly became alarmed and asked Blaze to elaborate. Blaze urged Molly to talk to Kristina, but Molly feared that her well-meaning questions might be perceived as an interrogation and upset Kristina. Reluctantly, Blaze told Molly about Sonny's attack on Dex and about Kristina's reaction to witnessing the violent confrontation. Blaze reiterated that Kristina was doing fine, so Molly thanked Blaze for letting her know, and Molly left.

At Alexis' house, Sam was on the phone with her mother while Kristina set things out on the dining room table. After Sam ended the call, Kristina asked how Alexis had sounded. "Okay-ish," Sam said. Sam and Kristina talked about Alexis' close relationship with Gregory, and their concerns about Alexis getting bad news from the bar on top of losing her close friend. Sam admitted that she had the same fears about Alexis' sobriety as Kristina, but they needed to remember that their mother was stronger than they gave Alexis credit for. "And so are you," Sam said.

Kristina's defenses went up as she asked what had prompted Sam to say that. Sam carefully explained that she knew about the attack on Dex, and she was confident that "if push comes to shove," Kristina would do the right thing. "Even if it comes at a cost to Sonny," Sam said. Kristina wanted to know how Sam had heard about the assault, so Sam told her sister about Sonny's visit to the penthouse. Kristina realized that Sonny's confession had prompted Dante to blow up her phone.

Sam assured her sister that she and Dante had both been worried about Kristina. Kristina reminded Sam that Sam had just praised her for being strong, but Sam pointed out that even strong people could get hurt. Kristina assured Sam not to worry because Dex had decided against pressing charges. Kristina admitted that -- at the end of the day -- Sonny had to face himself knowing what he'd done and knowing that Kristina knew the truth. "It's wrong," Sam said.

Before Kristina could reply, Alexis arrived home. Sam and Kristina greeted their mother and hugged her as they offered their condolences. When Kristina asked about Alexis' hearing, Alexis told her daughters that she wanted to wait until Molly arrived. Alexis noticed that Kristina looked pale, but Sam quickly covered for her sister. Kristina smiled with affection at Sam.

A short time later, Molly arrived. The conversation quickly turned to Alexis' hearing as she told her daughters about Fergus Byrne's efforts to keep Alexis from getting her law license reinstated. Molly was shocked by Fergus' unethical conduct. Alexis accused Fergus of fighting dirty and putting a tainted take on everything that Alexis had said. Alexis feared that the odds were not in her favor. Kristina was disappointed to learn that Alexis might have to wait 30 days for an answer.

Sam, Kristina, and Molly were stunned when Alexis shared that Ava Jerome had reported her to the bar. Kristina was furious that Ava would make such a move after murdering Connie Falconeri and sabotaging Morgan. Molly accused Ava of being vicious and ruthless, but she conceded that Ava was smart because she had managed to hit Alexis where it hurt most. Moments later, Kristina received a text message from Dante.

After Sam and Kristina said their goodbyes and left, Alexis asked what was troubling Molly. Molly asked how Kristina had seemed. "Pale. Subdued. Why?" Alexis asked. Molly told Alexis about Sonny's attack on Dex. Molly didn't know if Kristina had kept quiet about the attack because Molly was an assistant district attorney or because Kristina feared T.J.'s reaction. Molly insisted that she had a right to know, and she had no idea how to broach it with her sister without setting Kristina off.

Alexis agreed that Kristina should have told Molly, but Molly confessed that she was conflicted about whether or not to tell T.J. Alexis reminded Molly that the goal was a healthy baby. Molly asked if she was expected to tread lightly. "Treat Kristina like a minefield keeping me from my baby?" Molly asked. Alexis offered to act as a buffer between Sonny and Kristina, but Molly didn't want her mother to get involved. Alexis advised Molly to get some rest because she would need it when the baby arrived.

Molly admitted that she could handle anything if it meant keeping the baby healthy. She pointed out that in a couple of months, she wouldn't have to rely on Kristina anymore, and she intended to keep Kristina -- and her drama -- far away from the baby.

At Bobbie's, Dante and Dex sat down to talk about Sonny. Dex revealed that he had decided not to file charges for two reasons, starting with sparing Kristina the ordeal of testifying. Dex admitted that Kristina had asked him not to back off, but Dex explained that Kristina had always been a friend to him. "What kind of friend would I be if I made her testify against her father?" Dex asked. Dante asked what the other reason was, so Dex admitted that it would only result in a short sentence and unlikely stop Sonny from running the organization from behind bars or from killing Dex.

Dante opened up to Dex about Sonny's visit after the assault, but Dante was clear that he would not intercede on Sonny's behalf. Dante explained that he had warned his father that Sonny would be the prime suspect if anything happened to Dex, but Dante had no idea if he'd gotten through to Sonny because his father acted as if he were untouchable. Dante admitted that he had misjudged Dex, and he commended Dex for turning his life around. Dex regretted getting tangled up with Sonny, but he was determined to put it behind him and do better.

Dex said he wanted to be worthy of the badge. Dante was pleased to hear it because Dex had saved Dante's life, and he was grateful for what Dex had done for Kristina. After Dex left, Kristina entered the diner and joined Dante. Dante explained that he had reached out to her because he'd been concerned about his sister. Kristina told her brother about witnessing the attack and Sonny's attempt to justify things. "It was awful," she said.

Kristina explained that she'd known their father had flaws and that he'd hurt people, but it had never been like that. She admitted that the man she'd seen had been ugly and full of rage. As they talked, Kristina questioned Dante about the time that Sonny had shot him. "It was an accident, right?" she asked. Dante confessed that he had lied about the shooting because he'd grown to care about his siblings, and he'd been reluctant to take their father away from them.

Dante shared what it had been like to grow up without a father and the way that kids had tormented him. He explained that when he'd learned that Sonny was his father, he'd seen it as a gift, and he had refused to give it back, so he'd lied to keep Sonny out of prison. Kristina admitted that a part of her was relieved that Dex hadn't filed charges, but she worried that she was making things worse because there might be a next time.

In the park, Sonny was out for a run when he saw Josslyn approaching during her morning run. He stopped, but she glared at him as she jogged past him. When Sonny called out to her and invited her to speak her mind, Josslyn suggested it would be a waste of time because he wouldn't listen. "Maybe not, but you can get it off your chest," Sonny said. She recalled when she and Sonny had been honest with each other, how he'd been there for her when Oscar had died, and how he'd been there for the family when Mike had passed away. "But you're not that person anymore," Josslyn said.

Josslyn accused Sonny of doing whatever he wanted without any consequences, but Sonny suggested that Josslyn was young and didn't know what he'd been through. She insisted that he belonged in jail for his past crimes and what he'd done to Dex. "I bet you're not even grateful to Dex," she said. Sonny was shocked when she revealed that Dex had decided not to pursue criminal charges against him. "He did it for your kids," Josslyn explained.

Josslyn told Sonny about Michael's appeal to Dex and how Kristina had reached out to Michael for help. "So what? I'm supposed to be grateful to Michael?" Sonny asked in a surly tone. Josslyn clarified that she didn't expect Sonny to see the good in others because he was focused on himself. However, she wanted Sonny to know that -- if he lifted a hand to Dex -- it was because the man that Sonny wanted dead had the grace to let Sonny go.

Later, Josslyn bumped into Blaze as Blaze was doing stretches on a park bench. Blaze took the opportunity to admit that Josslyn had been right about Sonny. Josslyn felt bad that Kristina had seen Sonny's violent side.

Elsewhere in the park, Dex sat on a bench while studying until Sonny suddenly appeared. Dex jumped up, but Sonny told Dex to relax because he wanted to talk. Dex wanted to know how Sonny had found him, but Sonny reminded Dex that he could find anyone. "Are you going to invite me to sit down?" Sonny asked. Dex was reluctant, so Sonny promised that he was alone and unarmed.

After Dex and Sonny sat down, Sonny revealed that he knew about Dex's decision to not take legal action -- for Kristina's sake. "I appreciate that," Sonny said. Sonny explained that it was over for him. "This thing between us -- this bad blood -- it's over," Sonny said. Dex was skeptical, but Sonny admitted that Dex had been a distraction. Sonny insisted that he had more important things to do, but Dex remained wary.

"You're nothing to me now. For your sake, keep it that way," Sonny said.

General Hospital Daily Recaps (Thursday, May 30, 2024) (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.