Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), January 7, 1837, p. 3 (2024)

rr- tcnc of one half tbcamount of such properly tod if proper means are taken to ascertain ihe tilue of the security we should suppose the public to be well protected but how an in stitution professing to issue a circulating me dium with ihc proposed protracted term of payment can provide for that issue without the aid of a subscribed capital is to us a pro blem somewhat difficult of solution we believe the system under discussion originated from mr banks of the newcastle district a gcatlemao of good abilities wbo has evidently paid much attention to the sub ject of banking he proosc as be terms it to substitute a currency drawn upon lime instead of trea sure thereby offering financial facilities hitherto unknown v we have not the advan tage of having one of mr ij v explanatory let ters by us but if we had the voluminous ex pos necessary for the perfect elucidation of this topic would preclude the possibility of its being ioserted in a passing editorial remark we are 3 ware obligations issued on undenia ble security to double their value ought to be valid this appear o be a fundamental prin ciple of the institution and the obligations given for this security are not obligatory on the bank till three months after their debit transactions become due or 10 plsia terms they issue notes payable 12 months after date and receive obligations with twice the se curity attached 10 them payable 9 months after date thus to use a phrase of the pro jector ihey make their credit obligations be come due three months prior to their debit obligations becoming due this institution ociorjin to 115 consiitunon professes 10 re ceive fruni al prisons as liquidation of their obligation their own noics dated 6 months prior to she bill the discounter gave becoming due or if we rom prebend ihe system a bill discounted in january at 9 months would of course be due in october and the bank would take notes date j in january february or march in liquidation fur bills discounted and lu facilitate this plan the institution proposes 10 have an eichange office where it would receive its own nous that had been dated 6 mouths more for which it would give a pre mium of twenty shillings for every hundred pounds payable in it own noes dated at time of exchange inch notes purchased to our supposition would enable those who wanted to renew to do so upon paying sos- in the hundred pounds fur the accommoda- linn and as the originator of this system 10 one of his letters if we recollect nght says if i buy at one time and pay 90s at another i will receive 20 consequently there can be oi ly hiilf ivr ecu to pay for renewt upon ihc verage we do not profess 10 be well acquainted with the system 10 all it details but it certain ly apjmri to us that the plan is an injeoious oue we shil aiin revert to the subject married on ihe ltt instant by bo rev r d ctrtwrieht ht tmwb lo flri mir fc gl both of thia town died at the house of win ball esq niagara on sat urday fast william crook esq of gnmsby for merly member of ihe lsjahire for the county of lincoln and brother of lho hnn james and mat- ibow crooks esquires notice the proprietors of the chronicle and ga zette office give notice that all debts due the establishment must be paid forthwith to john a macdonald esq agent for the pro prietors otherwise they will be put in suit kingston january 6 1857- 55 wanted a situation in a respectable mercao- tile esiatlisbmeot a middle aged active man who ha beeo brad 10 both the soft goods and grocery business he is well ac quainted with keepio dooxs is a good sales- matter and would otherwise make himself useful a line eddresed to 1 n at tbe office of thi paper wilt be attended to p s the advertiser having been for many years a resident pear kiogstoo cau give most respectable references january 7 1837 55ui notice all persons indebted to the estate of the late jiucs kckr paiorer of the town of kingston ar requested to call and settle their accounts immediately and those to whom the estate indebted are requested to present their bill for adjustment ann kerr executrix kingston january 5 1837 55ui bank of british orth america prices correct in kingston market capital 0c million stehlifto i provisional committee for conducting the af fairs of the dank at toronto tin honorable george crooffshazfff thohas mercer johes s oco0cc mofflto ksq jahgs rtcwaigglko es tac rjtintanj system the following ex- tfjet on ihc subject of the voluntary church syvtcin la m blum sketch of the reforma tion the reasoning is clear and forcible and the extract altogether is worthy of some at tention in the present circ*mstances of the different churches id this province however humiliating may be the confession experience it sanctioned h as a iruth that an fndlgm church males a corrupt clergy that in order to secure a priesthood which shall wear well a permanent provision mul be set aside for their maintenance surh a provision qualified to enter fis shall induce mien dulv the church fur it is vtsiotury to suppose thai temporal luoiives will nm have their weight in tins temporal state of things nod it is un reasonable to expect that persons who are ex cluded by the rule of society from tbe usual inlets 10 wealth the courts the camp or the eieliaoge and who cannot hut know or feel when ihey are honesily doing their duty that thry arc as good commonwealths men to put it upon no higher ground as any oihers and therefore have as good a richt 10 its liberal re- gard a any others should he content to waive tbal rifiln such a provision at shall be enough 10 ensuie fecruiis for the priesthood from all ranks the highest 35 well as those below and so to ensure their easy intercourse with all ranb fur the leaven should leaven the whote lump such a provisioo as should encourage them to peak with all boldness crouching to no man fur their morsel of bread nor tempted iiojinfe abe hnnil abut igoida tlinm jtnr d t vision as should prevent the meanness of their condition from prejudicing the force or their reasons or give occasion to a highminded hear er to accuse their plain speech of unmannerly presumption surely until we can find such u church uji earth in all her members and in all the successive generations of her mem bers as can be true to the image of our lord it is a vision indeed to reject nil adventitious support such as her condition may require and to say with the great puritan pnet that she should be content is he was to ride upon ao ass fv1he necessary arrangements are now in mi progress for the commencement of busi ness in toronto as early as iossibe appli cations on the affiirs of the bank may in the meantime be made to the members of tbe provisional committee robert carter commissioner from the court f dirt etors toronto dec st 1836 55y land ag e n f v the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that be has open ed 0fi hm ffo f f fftf ft tfofrt fifc of king street in tbe city of toronto nearly opposite the commercial rank where every bind of land business in the govern ment offices shall be performed 00 the short est notice such as locating all claims taking out deeds and claiming land under the heir and devisee act c c tvc and all kinds of writing that are in general use will be exe cuted with accuracy and dispatch u e and militia claims boufftii and sold he will also keep a register tor the buying and selling of land the subscriber has done business as a land agent upwards of tweniy veara and is well acquainted with tbe routine there of john smyth city ot toronto dec 24 i8s6 55i52 xcr i request all the newspapers in this province to copy the above nonce for six mouths and send their bills to me john smyth sale of teas 4 public sale of teas will take placeat the warehouse of the agentsofthe honble east india company at montreal on friday the 27lh jaicvart at eleven oclock upset prices as follows viz hyson skin is ild a 2a id young hyson 2 tod hyson ss 4d gunpowder 4s- sd souchong si catalogues will bo published and sbew- cbeala may be examined during the throe days preceding the day of sale forsyth richardson st co agents to the honble b i compy montreal 27th december 1036 54ri d 0 0 0 2 0 9 0 0 6 0 4 6 0 n 0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 6 a rf i fine flour per bbl 40 0 a 0 perewl 17 6 0 20 barley per bushel 3 0 a 0 oats do do 1 8 a 2 rye do do 3 6 o 0 peas do do 4 0 d 4 potatoes do do i 10 o 2 beef per cwi 7ga25 port do do 35 0 a 42 nuitcrper lb 0 10 a 1 mutton do osflo veal do 05a0 pork fresh do 06a0 hams pork do 07n0 candles moulds 00a0 do dips 08a0 soap 04oft eflgs per doz 0 10 a i rowlsfer couple i 0a 1 cheese per cwt 40 0 a 43 hay per load wt unknown 17 6 a 25 woodtfer cord 80 a 10 wheat per bush 6 3 a 0 pork rums per bbl 100 0 n 0 do a prime mess 0 0 a 85 do pnmc tboao do cargo t000a0 do per lb oc0 indian corn do do 4 0 a 0 indian eal do do 4 oa 4 notice is hereby given that such of the awirdsfrom no 1 to 150 for compensation for land damaged by the eonttruction if the rideaitanal have not beeo paid arc ready for seulrmeni a peison from this office will attend at mr mcdontlds hotel british american kings ton on thursday the i2m january err and ticofotlming rfoy to pay the claims of such ersons as reside above the narrows rtdeau ake j those who do not attend wiihin the lime appointed will have to come to bytowo lof pavmeoc note- in all cases where the parties can not attexd in person it will be necessary be fore tbe money be paid that ceru6cacs of any known and respectable peon be produced that the vendors of the land were living at the time the powers of attorney wore given also thai the power be executed in the pre sence aad bear the attestation of known char acters as the mayor or chief magistrate of a town two justices or the like lo cases of bar of dower the wife must sign the power of attorney as well as the husband and the magistrates certigcate as to the wifes asseot must aln he produced stped c l rudyerd paymaster rideau fit ottawa canals offm of ordnance bytown 22d dec is36 52dt ion sale aboct 7 acres of land situated io vanous parts of uppe canada cheap for ready money only will be sold in lots 10 suit purchaser apply to c hatch land ageotor to j lfctotf auctioneer kingston august 13 1836 13z notice weight ingersoll have beer for sale at mr florence donoghutu ta- vern kinzstort lb barrels and smallc ties to suit purchasers fredericvslrtirz luih january r quann- 67 1831 to t the printers ok british north america he subscribers have ceased to be agents for the montreal type foun- lelttfy inirr tin- kuv jln ibiulte jill jiales must be addressed to the proprietors t guerin co jones co dec 29 1836 54 oo ejiiors of papers who have published the type foundry advertisem*nt are request ed to publish the above and they will receive two dolors worth of type in payment and the much rojoiciog prevailed at peterboro throughout the newcastle district on near prospect of improving the navigation of the trent and the inland waters of that 6ne region of country the cobourg star states ihat a steam boat iso llct lung with ao engine of 3b horse power is on the stocks at peterboro and will be ready in april she is to be called the sir francis head from the official report of the secretary of hhe treasury of the united states it appears that the whole amount of specie in the coun try is computed at 73 millions of dollars us millions are supposed to be in circulation and 45 millions io tbe banks the amount of paper in circulation is said to be 120 millions and the bank capital in active operation about 250 millions fruit trees gnrden seeiis c reynolds bateham proprietor the rochester seed ttore hor ticultural garden and jureery offer wholesale or retail a large and superior assoriment offamr and osna- mcntai taihs cbfcdmi field aho flowek shds gctiauorsc ahu hapv plants slc blc the fruittrees are all crafted from bear- ioj trees of tie very best kinds and ihe seeds are raised inhe mo careful manner or im ported from the most respitiable sources so that we are confident that with regard to kind quality or pre tbe articles sold at ibis estab lishment will give general satisfaction orders froit n distance will be promptly at- tended to aaapackage3 forwarded according to order cataloguesmay be obtained of n palmer druggist khcston reynolds bateham rochester n y nov 1836 36z information wanted of wm harrison an englishman suppnwl to he in belleville u c or geneva u s any information of htm will be thaokfullv received bv his brother john harrison front streetf kingston 6th august 1b36 editor will confer a particular favor bycopywg lhe above steam navigation from jwtr- york lo liver pool w are happy to learn from the n y courier and eoquirer that captain cobbs new steam packet is now ready to take io her machinery it is stated that in all proba bility she will be ready for sea before the 6rst of april our friends in gunburnie and others in the habit of supplying us with firewood are re speetfutly reminded that good sleighing is come and that at this season printers fingers mil frctze without a goodjire b i rt h at kinginn n the 61b insr the lft4v of ll colonel cobittr- a ofapsugbier information is wanted of mi chael madigan who left his wire four children at cornwall u c wiili the in tention of goine to osweao any formation will be ilwnklully received hv bis wife jobao nah madigan at kingston upper canada kdttnrs of united states papers will do an net of charity by giving the above a kvt insertions kingston december 20 1836 45 mrs- weatherstones school will 11m be reopened 00 monday jaitt 9 mrs weatherstone having engaged an as sistant will be enabled to pursue in every re- speci the system now so successfully adopted in english schools and her establishment she hopes will be found to want nothing tend ing to facilitate the improvement of her pupils kiogston dec btati 1s36 siii notice to chelsea and other pensiooers who are paid by the commissariat the assisiant commissary general here by notifies tbe above description of per sons tbit they must make personal applica tion at the beginning of each quarter to the nearest commissariat office for their pensions in cases when pensioners reside a distance from a commissariat office which might ren der it inconvenient or expensive to the pen sioners 10 apply at the beginning of each quarter or if from sickness or other good cause application cannot be made personally even once in the year an officer will be sent annually to visit those stations to identify and pay those who cannot for these causes present themselves at a commissariat station the pensioners are enjoined to keep pos session of their instruction papers as their pensions will be paid only to them in person 00 their bein identified thereby it is further noti6ed ihat the government will not under any circ*mstance recognize agents or the claim of any individual for debt contracted by the pensiooers commissariat kingston 15th march 1856 s lit notice the present members of the kingston vol unteer fire company 16 io number am- y in justice to themselves take this opporiu- oiiy of informing the inhabitants of the town that from their diminished force they do mot deem themselves adequate to the performamce of those duties that ibe public may exptect of them it therefore behoves the inhabiiamis to meet and take such mensuns for the public safety as tbe exigency of the case may rre quire tfi3 members will however in case of fire until some further arrangement is made to place the fire establishment on a more ef fective footing atteod wnb ihtf small engine and render such aid as oiuy be in their power by order james nickalls jun captain at v f c kingston nov 2 1836 the holders of caps and belt which life long to the town will return them fonbwutb to the captain at the court house tz for sale by the subscriber- lbs american cotton yarro 1000 nos 56 7 8 9 10 500 lbs batting and 200 lb cmdlewicui 200 lire and small lrokio glasses a large assortment of travelling baskets wm wilson kingston oct 19 1s3g 33gi new testament for schools jit the corner ff king and brock street- just published and now for sale a ban borne edition of this book also an elczant edition of murrays eng lish reader for sale- t t tbe commercial wharf kingston but a of store street whiskey sallr plaster of paris water limifc bv the subscribers y truax phillips kinsstoo2sd may 1836 9iz scobeliits inspection t ore rscobell general flnspecior of pot ah beef and pork presetils his cor dial thanks to the merchants tqnd other inhab itants of kingston and the vicinity for the liberal patronage they have amteodej to hftfl during the past year and he begs leave to in form them that he has rcmovofti his inspection business from the hon j ktrbys store to the large and convenient stoite and wharf of mrs forsyth lately occupied by mr a me- doncll where he will be always ready to in spect such articles as may be oioosigneri to him for that purpose and he hope from his long experience punctuality ond strict attention to business still to merit the approbation and support of ihe public n b for sale 5000 lb weight of smoked hams sooo do cheese 2000 do- upper canada bunter 2 tons of lard io kegs fur rfamtly use 300 barrels salt a scobell kingston april i4th 1335- 57z removal oren strong hereby lenders his grateful acknow ledgments to a generous public for the very flattering support he has received while keeping the steam boat hotet o this place and hegs to acquaint his numerous customers that he has this day opeoed bi most splendid establishment tbe north american hotel cobourg situated near the steam boat landing where he will thankfully receive and promptly attend the call of hi customers af fording them accomodations yhich shall not be surpassed by those of any establishment in the province said stand will be found 10 af ford very great nceommodatioo 10 persons ar riving at and tskio their pisage from this place in the several steam bats tbat touch daily at the wharf the proprietor of the above establishment continues bis lice of stages to xhe rice lake and from thence to peterborough which is wel furnished with good covered carriages first rate horses and careful drivers seats may be taken at this house in tbe kingston and toronto mail stage horses dud carriages are constantly io read iness to convey passengers luggage to any part of the country cobourg u c may 1st 1ss6 looz to millers ust received direct from the manufac turers in europe with whom arrange ments have been made for a constant supply of articles of the best quality v12 real dutch bolting cloths assorted blackmvcs patent do do french burr stones for ffctt fty larocque bernard st co july 29 18 notice the subscribers to fre kingston dock company are request to pay into the hands of the treasurer the following pay ments viz 10 per cent the second payment 00 1st mon day in january 10j7 lopercent the third payment on 51 february 1837 10 per cent the fourth payment oo 1st monday in march 18s7 10 per cent ihc fifth pytpent on lit monday in april 1837 10 per cent e sixth paycoeot oft 1st monday io may 1837 10 percent the seventh payment on day io june 1837 lopercent the eighth day in july 1837 lopercent the ninth payment on day in august 1637 10 per cent the tenth paymeot n day in september 1837 j counter treasurer kingston 5th december 1838 46 payment 00 1st moo 1st mon- ist mon- lat mqq- ieather- sole and upperof various a tannages calf sklni kips c c for sale by larocque bernarr co who wilt keep a large assort tmot constantly 00 hand may 18 18z stoves a ceived and for sale bv charles willard kingston 2ul november 1836 42z kingston cabinet ware honse sfore street opposite the commercial hotxi e cone ausrust li 1835 io2 to let the house and shop in brock street laielv occupied by mr- h w benson the premiseshave lately underaonc a thorough repair and the situation is favorable for busi ness apply at iheofficeofthoskirkpairick esq kingston- december s0 1830- km to let the stone house on queeo street with or witliour the adjoining shop and premises corner of quarry street apply to thomas askew kingston dec is 1836 43z bank or british north america established ik lomo0n capitalone million sterling- provisional committee fob condqctipo thg affatfts of the questc bhanch james peak essoins joh malcolm fhaskr esciae pierre pelletier etquire george ppmberton esquire willtam phillips esqoiae t church of england psalms fy hymjfs with anil without music suti at thachrooice gazeiio office kingston may 17 1836 03 ie shares reserved for this district hav- 10 been allotiej and the deposit if iilo sterling each paid upon them the necessary arrangements are now id progress for the com mencement of business jq quebec as early as possible m all communications on the business 01 tnts branch are requested to be made to the pro visional committee by letter addressed to the office of mr william de leary notary pub- 1 he no 33 st peter street robert carter commissioner from the court of directors- quebec isth august 1636 i7z new goods the subscribers are now receiving by ihc last arrivals from lonooif liverpool and glasgow extenaive assortments of lb various kind ot staple aod fancv dry goods laces small wares sic c that they are in the habit of importing robert armour co montreal may 36 1ssg i00z to chelsea ordnance green wioj pensioners residing in or near bevekly brow4villr prescott ani cornwal mfotice is hereby givktf that ao i officer of the coinmissai will beat tht folio win owns on the days op jostle each fof the iurpose of identifying and pen- sioners who are unable to attend at coto missariac office viz i ith jaouary 1337 wednesday at bnxkville lath thursday at preset mb saturday at cornwall i6th monday at cornwall all pensioner io the neighborhood of tlie aforesaid place are hereby informed that un less they attend on the days above exprefej 00 other opportunity of receiviog their ptn sionsaway from a commissariat office wilt offer until next summer pensioners at beverly and be paid at brockville charles a clarke a c g commissariat kingston iglh dec 1836 5 49 t its vicinity can government contract sealed tenders will this office until 9th january 1837 for be received at noon on monday the excavation required to he performed between brewers lower mills and kingston mills payments will be made as tbe work pro gresses but only for such parts as are excava ted to the required depth bottomed op and completed to be satisfaction of the senior roval engineer the tender to state the rate per cubic yard in halifax currency any additional information thai may be re quired can be obtained on application at the royal engineer oftice bytown or from mr thomas burrows clerk of works kingston mills commissariat bytown utb december 1836 soiwi to let that commodious hocseand store lately occupied by mr thomas wilson in brock strict for further particulars ap ply to eobinley kingston dec 13 1836 48z tlst received aodforaaattbt t chronicle gazette office a town ship manual neatly bound comprising all tbe lews now in force relating to the town ships among which are the highway and assessment acts new towhship meeting act the laws respecting boundaries line fen ces and water courses innkeepers the law and office of constable the law of landlord and tenant distress for rent court of re quests act summary punishment y jury law the laws relative to mills and mill dams flour pot and pearl ashes statute labour travellers weights 8c measures stc and on many other interesting subjects- by the author of the provincial justice ixy- price one dollar kingston december 5 1s3s 64 n i 11 mr yeo professor f dancing respectfully begs to aftrmdca hi intention of remaining in klogtton for the winter season togivc lestona ia the oeir est and most fashionable style of daocitmr mr y ia at present giving lessonsia afri tvcatherttonet school tioom where he baa suf ficient room for any number of young ladiea who may hooor him with their attendance classes meet on wednesday and saturday af ternoon at half past three schools and private families attended oq tbe most reasonable terms kingston oct 1 1816 37z h sharp begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston that he has opened his boot and shoe shop in the new buildine on the corner of king and brock street where tie will keep on hand and manufacture on the shortest notice all kind of work in his line at the most reasonable prices kingston sept 14 lssfl 22ii6 jfou sale v kegs of the best printing ink fc5f ery low for cash chronicle gazette office kioton january 7th 1s36 i new grocery wuisst spirits ffil sugars iron btrkrr m wholesale retail cognac brandv holland oio id wooq nd boiiw madeira sherry and port wioe jaoiaiea spirits detoerara itnm scotch and cjnadian whiakejt ioaf muicovado aod east india sugars old hysoo young do twaokay gunpow der and souchong teas superior muscatel raisins valcntia do currants figs almonds spanish nuts rice darley and oatmeal mocha coffee rio do pepper allspice mace and clotea pickles mustard olire oil maccoboy and scotch snuff london and american sperm candles soap and candles also 100 barrels jo i herring ahd a qdintitt ot stationery a mcnabb kiogston december 7 is36 46a for sale by the subscriber at his wholesale warehouse front3txt4l- muscovado refined and bengal sugar hyson twankay hyson skin net bohea teat very superior maderit winei buckburoki brand common do do best sherry do newta gok di brand common sherry very superior rort do do common do fa teoeriffe do bruce and receiving storing forwarding and commission business the subscriber begs lte to inform the public lhai he has leased the exien- site storehouse j1d wharf one of tbe largest ia upper canada lately erected at port hamilton by an mcnab esq situated directly io front of the splendid new siooe hotel and ia now prepared to attend to the above business in alt its branches and trusts from his long experience tote titer with punctuality and at tention to merit the patronage of the public the upper stories are fitted up in a superior manner for the receiving aod shipping of grain and from the great extent of the store house and u barf every facility to merchants aod oihers engaged in the purchase of pro- duceic will be given as well as the receiv ing and forwarding of merchandise of aoy and every description to all pans of the pro vioces or neighboring states with the great- rr cwnt ma dwsjmuttv tbe charges will be as low as aoy other re spectable establishment george f corbett hamilton gore district up canada nov 33 18jg 49 commercial bank m d kotice is hereby given that the remain ing instalments oo the new stock are called in a follows 10 per cent oa the 2d january 1837 10 1st march m 10 u 1st may 10 m 1st july 10 h 1st sept payable at the bank its offices and agencies by order of the board f a- harper cashier kiogston oct 26 1836 icf ncwipgpers accumnmed to advertise far the commercuil bsnk will ptcae copy thi a send their accounts to ihe bank commercial hotel store strteti kingston u c abraham truax respectfully in forms his friends and the travelling commuoity that tbe commercial hotel will be reopeoed on monday nextt dee 26th thisspaciousand well known hotel having been entirely new furnished painted aod deco rated and several conveniences added there to the proprietor hopes that the patronage formerly bestowed upon the establishment will be renewed the table d hole will be lcept io the very hest style and the list supplied with choice wines aod spirits of raosisupenor-igal- iiy arrangements have been rnadf for the 3ion- treal stae to put up at the commercial hotel- extras supplied on the shortest notice to any pirt of the district an extensive addition having been made to the yard ond stables ample accom- mojoiion cnu now be iflufded for aftv number or horses carriages sleighs and waggons the montreblgixehe tho toronto correspondent and albion and the watetfown ncnh american are aicstad to give the ahnre threo inenionfl each charge tho advsrtiser other brands cognac and bordeaux brandy hhds pipes very superior brandy io casea of 1 doz schedam gin io cases and hhds jamaica rum champagne jollys brand scotch w hisky isle cambletoo u c d bordeaux vioegar london porter molasses nuts and almonds koisins and currants rice and coflve rappee and maccoboy suutt cavendish and plug tobacco soap and candle london mould candles wax wicka 11 cocoa nut caodlea sperm do wax do t d pipes starch aod blue pepper and pimento nutmegs aod cloves salipcire aod epsom salts shot nos 34 5 wrt v kr- tin it- car v v fr qfc c-l- on bo itj ibu iuw iinseea oil 1 uoudbn w tiny beul green paint window glass l x 8 to 18 x 24 north shore herrings no i oat meal and barley salioa salt 400 bbls saleratus c c 4lbo a much more extensive and complete assart meot ofpky goods ban any form er stock he has ever offered in tbis market which will be found well worth tbe notice of i h trade t macnider kingston 11th november 1836- 99gi wholesale warehouse the subscriber offers for sale at tbe new building opposite the residence of d j smiilf esq front street a complete as sortment ol imported direct from britain supersne saxony black deil do superlative do wool blue drab olive brown fishoble roman mixed dk do oxford do black slate drab fashionable fashionable lavender micd r victoria mixid ddrk mixed saainens browo invisible grenad olive petershams stout twilled p oint witney and mn mediuta blankets ked white aod yellow flannels greeo baize white blue and scarlet union serge menooa moreen cambleta and shalloona draband brown beveneeos prints shirtings domestics irish linen russia duck quihs counterpanes c e l i- mcnadn- kmgston december 7 193 46 clptbi ers i ust received ibr sle at the corner tf king and j3k street ready kcckou- qtl lw ciramiiiar sc- v 8 jau l 1s6



Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), January 7, 1837, p. 3 (2024)
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